2009 05 01 tweets

Replying to @dylanborgman

I'm around - preparing for this afternoon's lab. I'll be at the ENGL reception from 2 to 4, tho; come by! PS:5yrsalready?

Fri May 01 19:27:52 +0000 2009

Replying to @GeorgeOnline and @jeremydouglass

was a student of mine back in the day! Bum didn't show up for the ENGL reception, though. Hmph.

Sat May 02 00:33:50 +0000 2009

RT @kakennedy @briancroxall @amandafrench: hate it you cant access twitter conversations > than 4 months old. Id SO pay for archives. [+me]

Mon May 04 21:33:31 +0000 2009

Replying to @briancroxall

Congrats! Knock 'em dead.

Mon May 04 21:55:24 +0000 2009

Replying to @loganpoppy

Oh, hey: I've already got Twitter hooked to FriendFeed. I'm not hooking it to FB, though; too much noise there already.

Tue May 05 00:06:37 +0000 2009

Replying to @mamamusings

Just now catching up on the stream - sending you all the good thoughts I can, and good wishes for G. Take care!

Tue May 05 16:41:11 +0000 2009

New blog post: Requiescat in Pace http://bit.ly/PsBYl

Wed May 06 14:08:41 +0000 2009

Replying to @amandafrench and @mattkirschenbaum

Thanks to both of you!

Thu May 07 00:37:12 +0000 2009

Replying to @therefore

Thanks so much...

Thu May 07 00:37:37 +0000 2009

Replying to @xina and @plragde

Thanks for the notes - I really appreciate it.

Thu May 07 00:43:42 +0000 2009

Replying to @mamamusings

Jaysus, Liz - this is not your week! Working on sending you better vibes...

Thu May 07 14:21:11 +0000 2009

Replying to @mlmcgill

I *so* wish I were going to be there but am thrilled to be included! PS:workingCPdraftofarticleathttp://bit\.ly/43Rgn

Fri May 08 01:24:39 +0000 2009

Replying to @j_l_r


Sat May 09 02:38:30 +0000 2009

New blog post: Back to Work http://bit.ly/3w1TOD

Mon May 11 14:00:49 +0000 2009

Replying to @kakennedy

I don't fall in that timeframe ahem, but I did walk - seemed the only opportunity I'd have to be on stage at Carnegie Hall!

Mon May 11 14:41:32 +0000 2009

Making plane reservations: two trips to DC in the month of June. Looking forward to seeing some of you there!

Mon May 11 17:30:58 +0000 2009

New blog post: Not Schadenfreude, I Swear http://bit.ly/r5fRo

Mon May 11 20:54:39 +0000 2009

Replying to @d_kompare

Indeed. I'm happy not to be dealing with the hassle, sorry for the hassled... but amused at the images the whole thing conjures.

Mon May 11 21:08:30 +0000 2009

Replying to @brettbobley

That's better medical care than most of us get at home!

Tue May 12 00:32:20 +0000 2009

Replying to @loganpoppy

Hmm. Wonder what that's all about - looks like all the URLs have changed. Not good.

Tue May 12 13:53:46 +0000 2009

Replying to @halavais

Heh. My school's portal team only tested on IE for Windows until somebody ahem pointed out that 40% of faculty were Mac users.

Tue May 12 15:56:09 +0000 2009

Which does not even begin to take account of a the students, who are heavier Mac users, and b the insanity of promoting use of IE...

Tue May 12 15:57:28 +0000 2009

Replying to @veek

Somehow I suspect not!

Tue May 12 21:01:23 +0000 2009

New blog post: Blog-Based Peer Review http://bit.ly/13aFjm

Tue May 12 23:39:10 +0000 2009

Started update to 10.5.7 approx 30 min ago postdownload. iMac has been restarting for about 20. Many variations on blue screen...

Wed May 13 00:21:39 +0000 2009

Trying really hard to be patient & not jump for the power switch.

Wed May 13 00:22:17 +0000 2009

40 min was enough. Went the hard reboot route. From what I can tell from the web, I'm not alone. Still restarting, but past the blue screen.

Wed May 13 00:42:27 +0000 2009

Whew. Repairing disk permissions. All appears to be well.

Wed May 13 00:47:25 +0000 2009

Replying to @kwerb

yup. I had to download the package from the website, and even then it was a mess installing.

Wed May 13 01:54:19 +0000 2009

Holy crap - SCMS now cancelled.

Wed May 13 02:42:20 +0000 2009

New blog post: Here's Hoping You're Not on the Plane Yet http://bit.ly/m9kwd

Wed May 13 02:43:57 +0000 2009

Replying to @d_kompare and @chutry

Heh: Bobbie Gentry, Ode to Billy Joe. I'll take that, but do NOT attempt to figure out how old I am.

Thu May 14 03:10:36 +0000 2009

Really really wishing there were some way to block #lost related posts until I get a chance to watch it tonight...

Thu May 14 16:50:18 +0000 2009

Replying to @briancroxall

Congratulations to you, mom, and the player yet to be named!

Fri May 15 19:24:51 +0000 2009

Replying to @MissLadyB

Alas, not so much with the good news: I think that article is from last year, pre-Prop 8. LA Times fail.

Fri May 15 23:42:07 +0000 2009

Two of three commencement speakers were newspaper columnists; both took potshots at the Internet. Coincidence?

Sun May 17 18:40:39 +0000 2009

In IAH, on my way back to Boston. Really really wish I'd had a day to recuperate, post-graduation. But -- onward!

Mon May 18 22:24:31 +0000 2009

Replying to @j_l_r

You completely rock - congratulations! It'll be nice to have you in California.

Tue May 19 11:47:11 +0000 2009

New blog post: The Future of Everything http://bit.ly/6UR4r

Tue May 19 13:11:57 +0000 2009

Jason Mittell: given state of video in 1999, it's naive to think we can guess what it'll look like in 2019. #acfoe

Tue May 19 13:14:24 +0000 2009

Mittell: a few guesses, though. Video industry stops selling plastic in boxes; more battles over DRM/DMCA. #acfoe

Tue May 19 13:15:42 +0000 2009

Mittell: one prescriptive claim for future - video literacy across the curriculum, not just read-only, but read-write. #acfoe

Tue May 19 13:17:57 +0000 2009

Mittell: video/audio must become searchable, annotatable. #acfoe

Tue May 19 13:19:13 +0000 2009

Replying to @michaeldroy

Astral projection? #acfoe

Tue May 19 14:19:14 +0000 2009

Chuck Henry's presentation on the future of research perfectly sets up my presentation this afternoon on the future of peer review. #acfoe

Tue May 19 14:44:27 +0000 2009

Replying to @xina

Did somebody say drink?

Tue May 19 14:54:44 +0000 2009

Can't read that URL for NSF task force report; can somebody tweet? #acfoe

Tue May 19 15:00:24 +0000 2009

Replying to @thfondak

Thank you!

Tue May 19 15:04:36 +0000 2009

Problem with moving to pay-per-view access is the paying part - access is fine as long as it's available, but what if costs escalate? #acfoe

Tue May 19 15:31:51 +0000 2009

Replying to @loganpoppy

one suggestion that's been made is a sort of pay to play: earn the right to publish by reviewing #acfoe

Tue May 19 18:18:05 +0000 2009

Replying to @loganpoppy

We have a significant crisis ifafewmorepressesclose & a significant opportunity lookwhatcoolstuffcanbedone #afcoe

Tue May 19 18:53:54 +0000 2009

Replying to @loganpoppy

The trick is communicating that - and getting "names" on board... #afcoe

Tue May 19 18:54:32 +0000 2009

Replying to @jmittell

Hear, hear! Thanks, @michaeldroy!

Tue May 19 20:10:17 +0000 2009

Waiting for the train to Boston. From the Future of Everything to the ALA, or the Past of At Least Some Stuff.

Wed May 20 14:28:57 +0000 2009

Replying to @loganpoppy

I thought my ears were burning!

Wed May 20 14:43:51 +0000 2009

Replying to @GeorgeOnline

That's your campus's configuration; mine has IMAP enabled, so I use Apple Mail from home.

Thu May 21 12:31:04 +0000 2009

RT @mkgold @cunycommons CUNY Academic Commons releases WPMu/MediaWiki Single Sign-on: http://is.gd/C9i9 - will transform my teaching sites!

Fri May 22 13:00:44 +0000 2009

Replying to @moncia

Saw that - very exciting!

Fri May 22 15:31:41 +0000 2009

What I want: a WP footnote plugin that pops up a small CSS layer window on mouseover. Surely that exists?

Fri May 22 15:34:33 +0000 2009

New blog post: Must Read: HASTAC/MLA Rethinking Tenure Guidelines http://bit.ly/YTtK7

Fri May 22 15:48:53 +0000 2009

I'm at a conference in what used to be my field. And am surprised by the vehemence of my "used to be." This is not my field anymore, at all.

Fri May 22 17:25:56 +0000 2009

The good news is that I'm taking advantage of a lovely hotel room to get a jump start on my summer's work.

Fri May 22 17:31:37 +0000 2009

Replying to @kfitz

Hey, that's very sneaky there, @dancohen: a little inobtrusive . gets you around the blocked @reply issue. Nice!

Fri May 22 17:42:05 +0000 2009

Replying to @kfitz

.@mattbucher Thanks for that. I really needed it! RT:Wow,thisjustbrightenedmydayaton:http://bit\.ly/CXpWm

Fri May 22 18:06:44 +0000 2009

New blog post: Homeward Bound http://bit.ly/4ipJGr

Sun May 24 12:26:28 +0000 2009

Logan's a nice airport, but it has *the* most humorless airport personnel. Everybody here is cranky. Holiday weekend? Or do we need a nap?

Sun May 24 16:52:55 +0000 2009

Favorite uncle had 8 operations in 3 months trying to save his leg. It's failed; they're amputating. Now it's in the other leg. #fuckinghell

Sun May 24 22:40:24 +0000 2009

Replying to @xina and @noradio

Thanks so much for the thoughts. It just sucks.

Mon May 25 15:55:04 +0000 2009

Come on, California: don't let me down.

Tue May 26 16:56:21 +0000 2009


Tue May 26 17:03:35 +0000 2009

RT @bighandsome: Other things upheld today? My middle finger, being waved in the direction of the state supreme court.

Tue May 26 17:34:09 +0000 2009

Replying to @d_kompare

Hell, yes; I'd absolutely support that.

Tue May 26 17:34:51 +0000 2009

Replying to @loganpoppy

Not that we only go to places that allow freedom to marry, but that we do not support those that have explicitly disallowed it.

Tue May 26 17:51:21 +0000 2009

Replying to @GeorgeOnline

I'm a big fan of Coda, made by the folks who make Transmit soTransmitisbuiltin...

Wed May 27 14:00:00 +0000 2009

Replying to @amandafrench

I refuse to use "outcomes" & instead use "goals." Goals I can have. Outcomes sounds like ve have vays of mekking you learn.

Wed May 27 16:03:47 +0000 2009

Replying to @amandafrench

Ergh. I can see the usefulness, I guess, but part of me worries that outcomes are something I can't promise. Objectives, yes.

Wed May 27 16:34:53 +0000 2009

.@GeorgeOnline: Panic holding a 3 day sale: 50% off Coda, Transmit https://www.panic.com/sale/ via@clioweb

Wed May 27 17:06:00 +0000 2009

Replying to @loganpoppy

Yeah, I do, both Coda and Transmit. Like them both a lot.

Wed May 27 17:30:48 +0000 2009

Replying to @briancroxall

If you've recently updated the firmware of your Airport to 7.4.1, that could be the culprit: http://bit.ly/zslqc

Thu May 28 01:24:44 +0000 2009

Has anyone successfully migrated from Bookends 10 to Zotero? Found this http://bit.ly/lfsKx but seems to be based on 9 - can't make it work.

Thu May 28 18:30:19 +0000 2009

Never mind -- I think I may have sorted something out. May have a lot of cleaning up to do, but at least the data's out.

Thu May 28 18:43:57 +0000 2009

Replying to @kfitz

.@sivavaid Salt. Open wound. Not nice. :)

Thu May 28 21:30:23 +0000 2009

Sorely tempted to use last of this year's research fund to buy a Wii. Teaching dig media studies without owning a console just feels wrong.

Thu May 28 23:14:41 +0000 2009

Replying to @mkirschenbaum

Good grief; I've been found out at last! Must go, um, recredentialize.

Fri May 29 00:42:50 +0000 2009

Okay, decision about Wii pretty much made. Next question: what are the games I should absolutely not be without?

Fri May 29 14:38:21 +0000 2009

Replying to @thfondak

Cool, thanks!

Fri May 29 14:43:54 +0000 2009

Excellent suggestions, all - thanks!

Fri May 29 14:50:17 +0000 2009

Replying to @theorymeg

Will do!

Fri May 29 14:53:02 +0000 2009

Replying to @stoton

They're on the list - thanks!

Fri May 29 15:07:41 +0000 2009

Replying to @plragde

Kinda makes you think you picked the wrong field...

Fri May 29 15:55:24 +0000 2009

Amazing how much fun editing 350+ citations imported to Zotero format can be. Feels like productivity, without all that difficult thinking.

Fri May 29 16:48:33 +0000 2009

Replying to @foundhistory

I'd like to believe that's true; spending a morning correcting bad special characters and tags ought to count for something!

Fri May 29 17:00:14 +0000 2009

Replying to @nowviskie

Nice that they're thinking about it, but yeah. Vastly better if it indicated that some people *choose* other routes on purpose.

Fri May 29 22:55:29 +0000 2009

Okay, Wii has been ordered. Now what am I supposed to do with myself until Tuesday? Oh, yeah - work - right.

Fri May 29 23:32:41 +0000 2009

Replying to @nancybaym

Oh, man - congratulations! I hope that sometime in the next 75 days I'm tweeting the same thing...

Sat May 30 17:03:14 +0000 2009

Okay, I'm puzzled. @GeorgeOnline just .@replied to someone I don't follow, but even with the . it didn't appear in my stream. What gives?

Sat May 30 21:06:59 +0000 2009

Found the post when someone I do follow RTd it. Will be sorely annoyed if twitter has undone the . hack...

Sat May 30 21:08:38 +0000 2009

Replying to @nancybaym

It's on the social & institutional changes that digital scholarly publishing will require of the academy. & it's due Aug 15. Eek!

Sat May 30 23:19:17 +0000 2009

New blog post: Five Years Later http://bit.ly/APZaF

Sun May 31 02:57:12 +0000 2009

Replying to @andrewspong

Well, the good news is it's under contract! The bad news is August 15 August 15 August 15...

Sun May 31 11:17:29 +0000 2009

Double espresso and a friend's article. Then a student's chapter, a bit of admin, and finally the book. Nobody send me anything else to do.

Sun May 31 13:09:41 +0000 2009

Replying to @d_kompare

Hey, backatcha!

Sun May 31 13:21:41 +0000 2009

Replying to @sivavaid

There are a few overachievers: http://bit.ly/oWePI

Sun May 31 14:13:51 +0000 2009

New blog post: Dr. George Tiller, RIP http://bit.ly/TgupH

Sun May 31 20:36:40 +0000 2009