2010 02 01 tweets

Replying to @rachaelsullivan

Yes! Calling out untenured faculty on their caution is a form of victim-blaming. That said, change can & shd percolate up.

Mon Feb 01 16:48:44 +0000 2010

Replying to @ryancordell

I embedded my Google Calendar, which is tied to my Tungle acct: http://bit.ly/5frhTY

Mon Feb 01 16:49:46 +0000 2010

Having an insane amount to do has made me crazily efficient. Which is awesome and all, but I'd be happier with sanity.

Mon Feb 01 19:50:21 +0000 2010

Replying to @karikraus

Completely stolen from @jbj, I think, at @ProfHacker.

Tue Feb 02 16:06:04 +0000 2010

Replying to @karikraus

Actually, looking back, it's @jbj's absence policy I stole, and @drnels's late work policy. Go @ProfHacker!

Tue Feb 02 16:08:57 +0000 2010

No, I am not getting antsy about my one day overdue review letters. Why do you ask?

\[checks email\.\.\.checks email\.\.\.checks email\]

Tue Feb 02 18:38:02 +0000 2010

Ask and ye shall receive. Letter 1 just walked in the door.

Tue Feb 02 18:45:49 +0000 2010

Am absolutely blown away.

Tue Feb 02 19:41:21 +0000 2010

Replying to @rachaelsullivan and @phdaisy

Absolutely good! I'm stunned by the generosity of my colleagues and students. It's a bit overwhelming.

Tue Feb 02 19:51:52 +0000 2010

Replying to @mmwwah

Happiness. 100%. It's pretty overwhelming.

Tue Feb 02 19:52:43 +0000 2010

Replying to @eetempleton

My fave: Him: Valerie? Me: I'm afraid you have the wrong number. Him: No, I don't. Is this [wrong#]? Me: No. Him: Oh. Click.

Tue Feb 02 20:15:38 +0000 2010

Replying to @midwinter_

Good news, I hope?

Tue Feb 02 20:25:43 +0000 2010

Replying to @amandafrench

Hey, so is it possible to bust it out of that Adobe whosawhatsit and export it to an open\(er\) format?

Tue Feb 02 21:03:53 +0000 2010

Replying to @amandafrench

Well, rats.

Tue Feb 02 21:15:08 +0000 2010

Replying to @midwinter_

Yay! Congrats!

Tue Feb 02 21:22:04 +0000 2010

At the vet with cat # 2, who has lost 25% of her body weight. Running tests. Poor little thing.

Tue Feb 02 23:29:17 +0000 2010

Okay, no Twitter for me until Lost airs on the west coast, apparently. You east coasters are trouble.

Wed Feb 03 02:47:01 +0000 2010

Zotero on LifeHacker: http://bit.ly/bBy2yV

Wed Feb 03 17:46:51 +0000 2010

Replying to @theorymeg

If you're a Firefox user, I highly recommend Zotero - it's portable, flexible, social, and open-source...

Wed Feb 03 18:52:29 +0000 2010

Replying to @captain_primate

I've tried for years to come up with such a thing; if you find one, please let me know...

Wed Feb 03 20:52:17 +0000 2010

Replying to @nirak

Oh, no! I'm so sorry.

Thu Feb 04 06:19:51 +0000 2010


Thu Feb 04 22:34:39 +0000 2010

Replying to @jmittell and @d_kompare

I booked a room at the Standard, too; don't know if I'll use it or just train in everyday, but if you're there...

Thu Feb 04 22:41:02 +0000 2010

Replying to @d_kompare

I'm not sure as yet; I think I've got a conflict. Will keep you posted!

Fri Feb 05 01:35:53 +0000 2010

Replying to @mmwwah

The shorter letter # 2: "We Have Never Done It This Way Before."

Fri Feb 05 01:36:13 +0000 2010

Replying to @jmittell

Hence the possible hotel stay. :)

Fri Feb 05 01:53:36 +0000 2010

The shorter letter # 2: "We Have Never Done It This Way Before."

Fri Feb 05 16:54:33 +0000 2010

Hey, it's #snowpocalypse out there, and it's... like... sorta... drizzling here! See, we have weather, too!

Sat Feb 06 05:32:52 +0000 2010

My life is a big old sack of irony right now. Unfortunately, it's irony in the Alanis Morissette sense.

Sat Feb 06 22:09:24 +0000 2010

Replying to @CatinStack

Hugs gratefully accepted, in any sense! \(But getting to be either Elton or Gaga in this analogy would be awesome\.\)

Sat Feb 06 22:32:40 +0000 2010

Replying to @ncecire

Quick! Apply one chorus of Sister Christian!

Sat Feb 06 23:04:44 +0000 2010

Replying to @alicejrobison

I'll be there, but alas, only Saturday, as I'll be flying back from a talk at Michigan...

Sun Feb 07 01:21:10 +0000 2010

Just purged my Gmail account of an enormous amount of old listserv mail. Feel megabytes lighter.

Sun Feb 07 21:24:19 +0000 2010


Mon Feb 08 02:32:26 +0000 2010

Oh. My. Freaking. God. They're going to do this! #whodat!!!

Mon Feb 08 02:47:12 +0000 2010

Dear DC: I am coming to visit Thursday, and live in a place without weather. Would be great if you could clear that snow out by then. Thx!

Mon Feb 08 15:22:00 +0000 2010

Replying to @CapitolClio

Which is most directly and immediately the problem: no snow boots. So completely not prepared for this...

Mon Feb 08 16:01:33 +0000 2010

Replying to @brettbobley

All I'm really asking for is a dry non-slip pathway from the Henley Park Hotel to the Old Post Office. The rest I can sort out.

Mon Feb 08 16:59:31 +0000 2010

Replying to @footnotesrising

Ugh, yes. Will do.

Mon Feb 08 17:48:41 +0000 2010

Replying to @jmittell

Hi from Southern California!

Mon Feb 08 20:42:58 +0000 2010

Help, tweeps! When Said mentions a "conception of the text as existing entirely within a hermetic, Alexandrian textual universe"... [1/2]

Tue Feb 09 00:47:09 +0000 2010

...what does "Alexandrian" signify? Is it the school of theology that's being referenced? What about it? How does Alexandrian=hermetic?

Tue Feb 09 00:48:27 +0000 2010

Replying to @jwolman


Tue Feb 09 00:54:19 +0000 2010

Replying to @cscannella

Possibly. The closest ref I'm coming up with is the Alexandrian poets, who used masses of allusions in their work, but I dunno.

Tue Feb 09 00:55:26 +0000 2010

Replying to @jsench

I was wondering if it was that, but couldn't quite parse it. The following phrase is "having no connection with actuality"... [1/2]

Tue Feb 09 01:13:35 +0000 2010

Replying to @jsench

which made me think it was Alexandrian poets & their propensity for allusion. And perhaps less the New Testament? But I dunno. [2/2]

Tue Feb 09 01:15:01 +0000 2010

Replying to @plragde

It's one of 3 possibilities I can see: the library, the poets \(who loved allusion\), or the text-type of some New Testament mss.

Tue Feb 09 01:16:26 +0000 2010

Replying to @plragde

Perhaps. But is hermeticness really the thing we associate with the library of Alexandria, rather than its destruction?

Tue Feb 09 01:41:26 +0000 2010

Replying to @plragde

From the Alex. school: "their style is often bad, and great patience is required to clear up their numerous and obscure allusions"

Tue Feb 09 01:42:41 +0000 2010

Replying to @plragde

Oh, you have no idea how much I wish I could. Must annotate for anthology. Sigh.

Tue Feb 09 01:52:06 +0000 2010

Replying to @plragde

A medievalist colleague of mine insists it's abt Clement of Alex, who believed Bibl reading must be done in retreat from the world.

Tue Feb 09 04:12:06 +0000 2010

Ahhh. Nothing scheduled before office hours at 4 tomorrow. Means I might actually make my Wednesday deadlines. And get to sleep past 5.30.

Tue Feb 09 05:16:29 +0000 2010

Replying to @jwolman

Buzz looks interesting \(and awfully familiar \*cough\*twitter\*cough\*\), but I'm waiting for them to merge Gmail and Greader already.

Tue Feb 09 18:44:58 +0000 2010

@jwolman Okay, well, there it is: Buzz can pull Greader and Twitter into its stream...

Tue Feb 09 18:48:54 +0000 2010

Replying to @jcmeloni

Where's mine? \(Oh, wait\. I bet that's not what you meant\.\) #buzz

Tue Feb 09 19:35:13 +0000 2010

Replying to @barbarahui

It hailed here on Saturday - absolutely bizarre. It's not raining here yet today, but the clouds over the mtns look ominous.

Tue Feb 09 20:25:02 +0000 2010

Is it bad to be at the point where I hope the snow is bad enough back east that my trip is cancelled rather than just a massive headache?

Tue Feb 09 21:44:41 +0000 2010

Replying to @brettbobley

Ugh. And then dump, what, 10-15 inches more on top of it tonight? This does not sound good.

Tue Feb 09 21:54:47 +0000 2010

Hey you back east: enough with the LOST live tweeting. Some of us don't have the option of watching when you do. :)

Wed Feb 10 04:07:45 +0000 2010

Replying to @eetempleton

Hey, great minds think alike!

Wed Feb 10 04:08:48 +0000 2010

Replying to @billiehara

Ooh, sorry - I really wasn't aiming at you! You weren't revealing anything, but others were. :/

Wed Feb 10 04:35:41 +0000 2010

Replying to @eetempleton

Completely fascinating. Part of it's the WTF factor, I think.

Wed Feb 10 04:36:28 +0000 2010

I am four grant apps away from meeting two impossible same-day deadlines - the last of the insane deadlines I set myself up for in Jan-Feb.

Wed Feb 10 04:38:57 +0000 2010

Replying to @brettbobley

This does not instill great confidence in me in this week's trip actually taking place.

Wed Feb 10 04:39:56 +0000 2010

Trip to DC cancelled. Which means I get a snow day on Friday. In SoCal. Which sounds exactly perfect to me.

Wed Feb 10 14:50:16 +0000 2010

Replying to @jmittell

In a bit, sure - need to get some coffee in first!

Wed Feb 10 15:07:32 +0000 2010

Replying to @BidenPC

Alas, I'll probably work. Just on my own stuff instead of everything else...

Wed Feb 10 15:08:43 +0000 2010

Replying to @halavais

Mine popped up this morning. It'll arrive shortly, I'm sure.

Wed Feb 10 15:46:14 +0000 2010

Replying to @betajames

They're adding post-to-Twitter soon, they said.

Wed Feb 10 16:51:10 +0000 2010

Replying to @JenServenti

Actually, I have snow! It's just safely tucked up on the mountains five minutes north of here. http://yfrog.com/334giyj

Wed Feb 10 16:54:35 +0000 2010

Replying to @chutry

I'm here - http://www.google.com/profiles/kfitz47 - and now following you.

Wed Feb 10 17:50:22 +0000 2010

Tinkering with Buzz today. So far, I like it; far better signal to noise control than FB. But then, there aren't many of us there yet.

Wed Feb 10 17:52:08 +0000 2010

I'm kfitz47 on Google if you care to follow along.

Wed Feb 10 17:52:51 +0000 2010

Replying to @briancroxall

I'm sure it'll be there soon; mine popped up this morning. I'll be on the lookout!

Wed Feb 10 17:54:56 +0000 2010

Replying to @JenServenti

Yes, indeed. I find that prettiness and closeness are more or less inversely proportional, when it comes to snow.

Wed Feb 10 18:01:37 +0000 2010

Replying to @billiehara

Yup! Send me addresses by DM & I'll happily add them.

Wed Feb 10 18:11:32 +0000 2010

Up side: no travel tmw. Down side: a day of working on planes, unbothered by anything but travel, immediately turned into a day of meetings.

Wed Feb 10 18:52:46 +0000 2010

Replying to @acavender


Wed Feb 10 19:45:51 +0000 2010

Testing to see if Buzz will start picking up my Twitter feed now...

Wed Feb 10 23:06:00 +0000 2010

Replying to @twel

It finally kicked in sometime in the last couple of hours; all of today's tweets appeared at once.

Thu Feb 11 03:09:30 +0000 2010

Replying to @ryancordell

Woo-hoo! Congratulations!

Thu Feb 11 05:44:00 +0000 2010

Folks who are shutting off Buzz: were you users of the sharing feature on Google Reader? Because I was, and I'm really liking Buzz so far.

Thu Feb 11 15:34:20 +0000 2010

Replying to @historying

Yeah, I got a bunch of random share requests, too, many from students. Very uncomfortable.

Thu Feb 11 17:16:19 +0000 2010

Replying to @mlaconvention

We've got article & book awards but maybe we should work on one to promote new modes of scholarship? cf http://icio.us/ow2gig

Fri Feb 12 01:08:08 +0000 2010

Replying to @amandafrench and @amndw2

I think they've amped it up a bit with the Buzz release...

Fri Feb 12 01:12:45 +0000 2010

Replying to @mkirschenbaum and @tanyaclement

I wonder why. A friend of a friend sent me this from Silver Spring today. http://yfrog.com/2e7kip

Fri Feb 12 01:43:02 +0000 2010

After a morning writing LORs in my pajamas, it's time to pull myself together and go to school. Must print, mail, and move on to next task.

Fri Feb 12 19:20:10 +0000 2010

Replying to @tanyaclement

Wait, Margaret, come back!

Sat Feb 13 00:37:57 +0000 2010

Replying to @GeorgeOnline

World of Goo!

Sat Feb 13 16:43:46 +0000 2010

Replying to @GeorgeOnline

It's brilliant, trust me.

Sat Feb 13 16:47:16 +0000 2010

Replying to @digitaldigs

Did the same thing to me at first, but I managed to persuade iCal and gCal that "office hours" = available, despite scheduled.

Sat Feb 13 20:59:50 +0000 2010

I have an internet doppelganger. Turns out she's me. Sort of. http://www.plannedobsolescence.net/my-secret-life/

Sat Feb 13 21:39:15 +0000 2010

R sent flowers! But because his billing address is here in CA, the florist assumed he'd gotten it backwards & delivered them to him in BR.

Sun Feb 14 19:10:49 +0000 2010

Some yelling straightened it out, and I now have lovely roses. But in the meantime a little sample of the indignities of the commuting life.

Sun Feb 14 19:13:14 +0000 2010

This has been the laziest weekend I've had in ages: have goofed off nearly continuously since Friday evening. Or at least it feels that way.

Sun Feb 14 19:52:51 +0000 2010

Deleting big piles of old listserv email. Let the web archive have it.

Sun Feb 14 20:44:59 +0000 2010

The best pressure cooker risotto I've made yet: broccoli, mushrooms, smoked mozzarella. Mmm.

Mon Feb 15 02:38:57 +0000 2010

Maybe it's just that I'm a new to this, after nearly 30 yrs of fulltime contacts, but my glasses are nearly always filthy. How do you deal?

Tue Feb 16 04:35:28 +0000 2010

Replying to @xina and @mariabustillos

100% true. I made it through, but only through dumb luck. I look on what should have been in horror.

Tue Feb 16 04:38:10 +0000 2010

Replying to @veek

Alas, the cloths I have seem to make things worse; need to keep them clean in turn. *sigh*

Tue Feb 16 04:41:06 +0000 2010

Replying to @briancroxall

Okay, now you're just making fun of me. \(Kidding: I use a barely damp soft cloth followed by the Apple microfiber to polish\.\)

Tue Feb 16 04:46:33 +0000 2010

Replying to @2xlp

I've gotten a bit lazy about the "every morning" part, which is I think what I need.

Tue Feb 16 04:49:40 +0000 2010

Replying to @2xlp

Hey, and PS: thanks for the novelist comment over the weekend. Can think of little higher potential praise.

Tue Feb 16 04:50:08 +0000 2010

Replying to @tolerm

Things! It's a bit pricy \($ for both desktop & iPhone versions\), but it's been worth it for me. See @ProfHacker http://bit.ly/6bN7US

Tue Feb 16 16:08:27 +0000 2010

Replying to @midwinter_

Ooh, I so want to know more. I may get the @ProfHacker folks to start pestering you...

Tue Feb 16 17:43:33 +0000 2010

Looking forward to my talk at U-M on the future of scholarly publishing, Thurs 10am, @ UM Library! http://bit.ly/6Ah55m /via @shanakimball

Tue Feb 16 19:53:00 +0000 2010

Replying to @mkirschenbaum

Next time, I hope!

Tue Feb 16 20:36:47 +0000 2010

Replying to @amandafrench

Nice! Never would have occurred to me.

Tue Feb 16 20:51:09 +0000 2010

Replying to @captain_primate

Rats! I'm sorry you won't be able to make it. Another time, though, I'll hope...

Tue Feb 16 23:20:56 +0000 2010

Just got a notice that my @citibank credit card is adding a $60 annual fee. Have had this card for 20+ years. Goodbye, @citibank.

Wed Feb 17 02:30:29 +0000 2010

Replying to @tolerm

Probably so. It's also clearly an end run around increasing interest rates; they'll waive the fee if you spend $2400/yr with them.

Wed Feb 17 02:39:51 +0000 2010

@citibank: "The reason we are making this change is to maintain the quality of our service amid the rising cost of doing business."

Wed Feb 17 02:44:11 +0000 2010

Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Ha. Hm.

Wed Feb 17 02:45:10 +0000 2010

Replying to @jcmeloni

Ah, just amusing myself at the expense of big banking. Well, not "expense," really. If only I could.

Wed Feb 17 02:51:46 +0000 2010

Replying to @lnakamur

Hey, you're going to be there! I'm only there Saturday b/c of my Michigan talk, but will hope to get to say hi!

Wed Feb 17 02:59:13 +0000 2010

Called to cancel @citibank card. Agent asked if I'd received the notice of the new $60 annual fee. Yup. Account terminated, after 24 years.

Wed Feb 17 02:59:39 +0000 2010

Replying to @lnakamur

Oh, yes - so do I! Let's definitely grab one Saturday afternoon/evening...

Wed Feb 17 03:12:57 +0000 2010

Replying to @alicejrobison

Back atcha!

Wed Feb 17 03:13:43 +0000 2010

Replying to @cscannella

Dunno - looks that way. They waive the fee if you spend more than $2400/yr with them, but it's a secondary card for me, so no.

Wed Feb 17 03:24:36 +0000 2010

Replying to @ambrose_mensch

I think they may just be counting how many people are cancelling because of the fee; he didn't try to sell me on staying.

Wed Feb 17 03:28:57 +0000 2010

DirectTV + winter Olympics = mighty pleasant flight!

Wed Feb 17 21:45:24 +0000 2010

Replying to @GeorgeOnline

Gallagher & Greenblatt on the potato in the materialist imagination.

Wed Feb 17 22:04:56 +0000 2010

Can toothpaste go bad?

Thu Feb 18 12:21:31 +0000 2010

Though morning comes much earlier here in Michigan, it comes much more darkly. That's not a great combination, if you're wondering.

Thu Feb 18 13:09:54 +0000 2010

Awesome turnout for my UM talk, about to begin!

Thu Feb 18 15:05:17 +0000 2010

Replying to @BenRobertson

Reminds me of an old New Yorker cartoon, "when milk goes bad," with the carton holding up an apple at gunpoint.

Thu Feb 18 21:59:54 +0000 2010

Replying to @moncia

I totally used that on a slide in my talk at U-M today \("the hopey\-changey part"\).

Thu Feb 18 23:46:46 +0000 2010

Sorry to have missed yesterday and today at #dml2010, but my visit to UMich totally rocked, if I do say so myself. See you tomorrow!

Sat Feb 20 00:23:19 +0000 2010

Replying to @ironmanx28

Hi to you and Liz! Looking forward to a non-virtual hello.

Sat Feb 20 00:29:51 +0000 2010

Finally made it to #dml2010, after roughly a day of travel. How is everyone?

Sat Feb 20 18:48:33 +0000 2010

Replying to @lnakamur

Yes! 12.45?

Sat Feb 20 18:52:23 +0000 2010

Replying to @mollyali

My pleasure - and thank you!

Sat Feb 20 19:23:43 +0000 2010

Replying to @aswinp

I'll look forward to seeing, too. Thanks for coming out, especially on such a busy day.

Sat Feb 20 19:24:08 +0000 2010

Fantastic lunch with @lnakamur, now awaiting session on race, ethnicity, class and digital media practices.

Sat Feb 20 22:03:28 +0000 2010

Replying to @halavais

Instead of doing the relaunch thing, let the bar run; it took a couple of minutes for mine to flip on.

Sat Feb 20 22:14:48 +0000 2010

Replying to @halavais

Not at all? How annoying! I wonder if UCSD is suggesting that it's time for the conference to wrap up?

Sat Feb 20 22:40:17 +0000 2010

Testing out the Chromed Bird extension. I like it so far!

Sat Feb 20 22:42:04 +0000 2010

Replying to @veek

It's a Twitter extension - displays your stream in a popup, signals you when you've got new tweets...

Sat Feb 20 22:46:12 +0000 2010

Replying to @veek

I'm pretty fond of what my students in Intro to Digital Media Studies are doing this semester: http://machines.pomona.edu/51-2010/

Mon Feb 22 18:33:00 +0000 2010

Replying to @johnmjones

Not unlike the rain in Spain, I suppose.

Mon Feb 22 21:08:00 +0000 2010

I'm so scattered right now that I can't even gather the pieces enough to make a list of everything I need to do, much less actually do it.

Tue Feb 23 15:37:09 +0000 2010

Replying to @phdaisy

Thanks - you too!

Tue Feb 23 16:06:18 +0000 2010

People are absolutely killing me today. #stresslevelsthroughtheroof

Tue Feb 23 21:39:40 +0000 2010

Replying to @veek

Hey, fantastic - that's wonderful news! Thanks for showing it!

Tue Feb 23 21:46:22 +0000 2010

Replying to @billiehara

Somebody decided our mascot sounded girly, so we're Imaginary-Male-Mascot-Animal-Variants and Mascots.

Tue Feb 23 23:08:25 +0000 2010

Replying to @dancohen

Gah! Because finding and reading sources is the hard part of humanities research?!?

Tue Feb 23 23:12:08 +0000 2010

"keep in mind that every newly minted Ph.D. has already done most of the research for his or her book when the tenure clock starts..." [1/2]

Tue Feb 23 23:15:34 +0000 2010

"It’s just a matter of revising the dissertation into a book." Oh, is that all. #sigh [2/2]

Tue Feb 23 23:16:01 +0000 2010

http://nyti.ms/c1lYNW, in case you were wondering. /via @dancohen

Tue Feb 23 23:18:05 +0000 2010

Replying to @plragde and @xina

Most R1s in the US have a 1-book-and-significant-work-toward-2 requirement for tenure in the humanities; promotion=2nd book.

Tue Feb 23 23:35:03 +0000 2010

Replying to @dancohen

Reminds me of a grad st. I heard some years back saying she'd done all the research for her diss; now she just had to write it up.

Tue Feb 23 23:37:56 +0000 2010

@dancohen Something in that "just" made me feel very very stabby. Especially considering we were sitting in the expository writing program.

Tue Feb 23 23:42:27 +0000 2010

Replying to @veek

She was in English Ed, actually. Which disheartened me even further.

Tue Feb 23 23:45:22 +0000 2010

Replying to @mmwwah

You said it, sister.

Tue Feb 23 23:59:22 +0000 2010

Replying to @TheRepoRat

Yeah, she did. \(Which is to say, no punch line, except that it made me wonder about what was going on in that English Ed prog\.\)

Wed Feb 24 00:01:25 +0000 2010

Replying to @nowviskie

I think you're exactly right, no small part of why I found it so depressing...

Wed Feb 24 00:11:14 +0000 2010

Replying to @j_l_r

I think @lizlosh presented it on Friday at #dml2010 - before I got there, alas...

Wed Feb 24 00:32:23 +0000 2010

Replying to @mkirschenbaum

Fabulous news! Also accepted, my paper on open peer review. Ironically \(or not\), with one review that made me wince.

Wed Feb 24 00:42:32 +0000 2010

Replying to @nancybaym

Oh, no! Ow! I hope you can get some ice on that.

Wed Feb 24 18:37:37 +0000 2010

Replying to @cliotropic

But they provide means for human correction/improvement of those algorithms in other cases: GVoice transcription, translation...

Wed Feb 24 20:40:00 +0000 2010

Replying to @cliotropic

Why not allow knowledgeable users - hell, librarians - to help them correct the errors in ways that can improve the algorithm?

Wed Feb 24 20:40:42 +0000 2010

Replying to @cliotropic

Well, that would be an improvement!

Wed Feb 24 20:58:02 +0000 2010

Replying to @kwazana

Never ever? That's a surprise. I don't use Word, so no, but I did integrate it into NeoOffice, where I think it can be removed...

Thu Feb 25 03:24:33 +0000 2010

Replying to @sramsay

You don't actually "know" me yet, but soon, I hope! \(Which is to say that I'll be there\.\)

Thu Feb 25 03:25:12 +0000 2010

Replying to @sramsay

Rats. I'm 1 for 1, but nobody will pay me for anything, at least at the moment. I'm preparing some serious begging.

Thu Feb 25 03:38:28 +0000 2010

Replying to @samplereality

Good lord. Misplaced floor mats did that? Are they magnetic floor mats?

Thu Feb 25 03:55:44 +0000 2010

Replying to @samplereality and @brettbobley

I would suggest that if they've lost you six years of data they owe you six years of refund. Unbelievable.

Thu Feb 25 04:08:47 +0000 2010

Replying to @samplereality

I mean, "100% Lifetime Satisfaction Promise" seems, well, not to have been met.

Thu Feb 25 04:11:15 +0000 2010

Replying to @nirak


Thu Feb 25 05:12:58 +0000 2010

Replying to @kwazana

Hell, no. I've been MS-free for almost two years now. All NeoOffice for me.

Thu Feb 25 06:32:48 +0000 2010

Replying to @jcmeloni

My challenge is always getting them past "is this rape?" to see it as the moment a community grew up & took resp for governance.

Thu Feb 25 14:21:56 +0000 2010

Replying to @mariabustillos

Yay, you! Also, add me to the "I hate Jonathan Franzen" count.

Thu Feb 25 21:25:27 +0000 2010

Replying to @billiehara

I'm betting some mystery accidental key command that sets the current page as your home page...

Fri Feb 26 04:04:46 +0000 2010

A full day of grading, but I'm completely caught up with it. And am down to ten incomplete items on today's list. Starting to breathe again.

Fri Feb 26 04:06:39 +0000 2010

Not incidentally, if you know someone interested in renting the best condo in Claremont CA for a year starting June or July, let me know.

Fri Feb 26 04:07:43 +0000 2010

Replying to @2xlp

NYU! I'll be there on sabbatical all year.

Fri Feb 26 04:28:49 +0000 2010

Replying to @2xlp

It's going to be great to be back there!

Fri Feb 26 06:26:51 +0000 2010

Just committed major, mortifying technological error. With potential for embarrassment for someone other than me. Oh, but I feel terrible.

Sat Feb 27 22:32:45 +0000 2010

Replying to @mattthomas

Oh, no - I clicked reply, to a msg that had been sent to a Google group, thinking it had been sent to me. Reply -> reply-all. :(

Sat Feb 27 22:35:55 +0000 2010

Replying to @mattthomas

It's not a good world, that. Needless to say, I've changed the settings on the grp. \(Had I only known there was such a setting\!\)

Sat Feb 27 22:46:53 +0000 2010

Replying to @mlmcgill

Absolutely! I should be in the area by mid-August, and possibly sooner, and will be there all year. I'll be looking forward to it!

Sun Feb 28 01:17:24 +0000 2010

Replying to @joeymornin

Be careful in Winslow! It's one of those places where if you get off the freeway, you may not be able to find your way back.

Sun Feb 28 05:13:13 +0000 2010

Replying to @joeymornin

Hence the relief when the girl in the flatbed Ford shows up, I think.

Sun Feb 28 05:13:33 +0000 2010

Getting the sinking feeling that the intermittent cramping pain on the left side of my middle back is something more than I'd like it to be.

Mon Mar 01 02:49:49 +0000 2010

On the positive side, just made an amazing curried potato, garbanzo bean, and spinach soup.

Mon Mar 01 02:51:24 +0000 2010

Replying to @TheRepoRat

http://bit.ly/cGbCgR I doubled it, and added a good bit more broth \(it's otherwise more a stew than a soup\). Y-U-M.

Mon Mar 01 02:56:23 +0000 2010

Replying to @alechosterman

I'm hoping that's all - but fearing a kidney issue...

Mon Mar 01 02:59:00 +0000 2010

Replying to @2xlp

You certainly may!

Mon Mar 01 03:10:56 +0000 2010

Replying to @alechosterman

Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear that - I hope it passed quickly!

Mon Mar 01 03:11:57 +0000 2010

Replying to @alechosterman

I pulled a muscle between a couple of ribs last fall when I had bronchitis - No Fun. I hope she's doing better!

Mon Mar 01 03:31:49 +0000 2010