2012 03 01 tweets
Replying to @briancroxall
Oh no! I'm so sorry. I hope she's not hurting too much.
Thu Mar 01 11:04:50 +0000 2012
Replying to @captain_primate
Thu Mar 01 13:20:48 +0000 2012
Replying to @ibogost
Does that position come with a golden parachute?
Thu Mar 01 20:28:18 +0000 2012
Replying to @mkgold and @cunycommons
You go!
Thu Mar 01 20:56:28 +0000 2012
If you're a NYer subscriber & have access to the archives, you might be interested in reading this C. Trillin bit: http://archives.newyorker.com/?i=1977-03-07#folio=084 [+]
Thu Mar 01 20:57:11 +0000 2012
If you do read it, just keep saying to yourself: "1977. 1977. 1977." [-]
Thu Mar 01 20:57:39 +0000 2012
Replying to @katinalynn
Fascinating, isn't it? And the bit about blaming the New Critics, in the same way the turn to "theory" sometimes gets blamed...
Thu Mar 01 21:19:06 +0000 2012
Replying to @surlyF
Argh. I want to be able to pry it out from behind the paywall, but cannot figure out a way. But yes, pretty cover.
Thu Mar 01 21:53:15 +0000 2012
Replying to @surlyF
But wait: do you subscribe to the print edition? If so, you can get archive access...
Thu Mar 01 21:53:34 +0000 2012
Replying to @tcarmody and @dancohen
Huh. I went to look at my history and got a nice button telling me I could turn web history on. A little surprised.
Thu Mar 01 22:07:47 +0000 2012
Replying to @jcmeloni
I'm not even sure I knew that turning it on was a thing; I think I just assumed that they were recording it regardless.
Thu Mar 01 22:20:45 +0000 2012
RT @mscecire: Renewing my MLA membership, I thought about how thx to @rgfeal @kfitz and others on Twitter it's now a regular part of my day.
Thu Mar 01 22:24:22 +0000 2012
Replying to @mscecire and @rgfeal
Most awesome. Thank you!
Thu Mar 01 22:24:34 +0000 2012
Replying to @phdaisy, @briancroxall and @mkgold
I'm pretty proud to have my own LOL, I will admit. And yay for renewing your MLA membership!
Thu Mar 01 23:39:12 +0000 2012
Replying to @eetempleton
Oh, I'm so sorry, Erin!
Fri Mar 02 00:23:27 +0000 2012
RT @atrubek: Once more with context: The Unfinished Fight Against Contraception. by Louise G. Trubek \(a ka my mom\): http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/02/opinion/contraception-war-goes-on.html?_r=1&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
Fri Mar 02 01:38:53 +0000 2012
Replying to @atrubek
So awesome. Congrats to you and your mom!
Fri Mar 02 01:39:28 +0000 2012
Replying to @samplereality
Woo hoo!
Fri Mar 02 16:19:01 +0000 2012
Replying to @jcmeloni
Oh no! I send you good getting home vibes...
Sat Mar 03 18:38:16 +0000 2012
Replying to @samplereality
One step at a time, my friend; one step at a time.
Sat Mar 03 19:09:20 +0000 2012
Replying to @sivavaid
Does this apply only to other schools' MS programs, or is intramural bone-breaking - taking out the English dept - rewarded too?
Sat Mar 03 19:32:25 +0000 2012
Replying to @sivavaid
Hey, who's this "y'all" you're talking about? I got kicked out of an English dept. Maybe I could use help settling the score.
Sat Mar 03 19:36:30 +0000 2012
Replying to @sivavaid
By, perhaps, planning their obsolescence? I'd never do anything like that.
Sat Mar 03 19:41:37 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
Sat Mar 03 21:50:03 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
Excellent. I'm sorry I won't get to see it in person for a bit!
Sun Mar 04 00:13:25 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself
You would look fantastic in a super-short cut. I loved min, but it kinda ran its course. I'm happy to have a little more now.
Sun Mar 04 00:34:24 +0000 2012
@rgfeal Love the hiking pic!
Sun Mar 04 00:35:07 +0000 2012
Replying to @ibogost
Okay, try unplugging the device, count to ten, and then plug it back in. I'll wait. \(sigh\)
Sun Mar 04 00:37:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
Smiling hiker trumps awesome hair, it's true. Both in one pic would win.
Sun Mar 04 02:59:47 +0000 2012
Replying to @JenHoward, @wynkenhimself and @jcmeloni
The container store brings out the best/worst in my Leo/Virgo cuspiness: aggressive organization.
Sun Mar 04 22:49:18 +0000 2012
Mon Mar 05 21:08:50 +0000 2012
Replying to @nowviskie
Woohoo! Congrats, Bethany!
Tue Mar 06 00:01:25 +0000 2012
RT @jmittell: Follow my next book! RT @ComplexTV: Serialized prepublication of Complex TV will be launching in late-March! Read at http: ...
Tue Mar 06 11:13:41 +0000 2012
Replying to @parezcoydigo
Huge congrats - I'm sure it'll cut a bunch out of your commute!
Tue Mar 06 13:16:56 +0000 2012
Replying to @jwolman
If your predictions are true, Apple TV gets an immediate upgrade. iPad… I'm less sure about.
Tue Mar 06 14:11:39 +0000 2012
I want a task manager that can distinguish between a deadline and a date I plan to take on a task. Missing one should result in red flags. +
Tue Mar 06 14:12:50 +0000 2012
The other should just result in the task being rolled forward to the next day's priority list.
Tue Mar 06 14:13:08 +0000 2012
Replying to @jwolman
Yeah, me too. I'm not saying I won't *want* one; it's a $$ issue. The Apple TV price point is low enough to be no problem.
Tue Mar 06 14:14:16 +0000 2012
Replying to @midwinter_
Oh god yes please.
Tue Mar 06 14:20:22 +0000 2012
Looking forward to watching this open peer review project develop: http://www.peerevaluation.org/.
Tue Mar 06 14:49:51 +0000 2012
Replying to @mwidner
They mean "science" in the European sense \("research"\), not the US sense.
Tue Mar 06 14:53:32 +0000 2012
Replying to @mattbucher
Yeah, I really want something way lighter weight than that. I'm using Wunderlist right now, which I like in most other ways.
Tue Mar 06 15:25:24 +0000 2012
Replying to @mmwwah, @jeffreyjcohen and @rgfeal
You haven't heard about my subtitle?
Wed Mar 07 01:05:54 +0000 2012
Replying to @jeffreyjcohen, @mmwwah and @rgfeal
True. But both jobs are all about sharing, so I'm happy to spread the wealth. Open dissemination- of bubbles!
Wed Mar 07 01:10:28 +0000 2012
Apple. Peanut butter. Whiskey. Pelecanos novel. Bed. What more could I want?
Wed Mar 07 02:40:07 +0000 2012
Replying to @themba
Okay, it isn't *that* kind of exciting, true.
Wed Mar 07 02:46:14 +0000 2012
Replying to @jasonpriem
Except the Pelecanos is on my iPad. Oh well - it's a 2, and tomorrow is the big day. Blend away!
Wed Mar 07 03:23:33 +0000 2012
Replying to @samplereality
I'm experimenting with keeping Messages open, but just about the only person who ever IMs me is my partner.
Wed Mar 07 14:04:00 +0000 2012
Replying to @briancroxall and @rgfeal
IM is usu more synchronous than DM & it's a more private channel, so mis-posting is harder \(tho not impossible\).
Wed Mar 07 14:13:45 +0000 2012
My one complaint about the Messages beta for IM/SMS management is that I'd like the "buddies" list accessible from the main window.
Wed Mar 07 14:16:06 +0000 2012
Replying to @briancroxall
Not to mention that video chat requires launching FaceTime, so you can only use it with folks signed on with an Apple id.
Wed Mar 07 14:21:58 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal and @triproftri
Tell me more about this need to locate your sources.
Wed Mar 07 15:47:28 +0000 2012
Replying to @LovKatarina and @infodocs
Hey, thanks!
Wed Mar 07 16:24:47 +0000 2012
RT @LovKatarina: Inspired by @Infodocs and @kfitz https://intechweb.wordpress.com/2012/03/07/redefining-authority-in-authorship-future-of-text-is-more-than-text/ // A nifty bit of the afterlife of a talk I gave at Duke last year.
Wed Mar 07 16:27:27 +0000 2012
Replying to @LovKatarina and @crepuscularsofa
Ah, YouTube immortality!
Wed Mar 07 16:34:39 +0000 2012
I'm headed to SPARC OA in KCMO next week; any of you folks going to be there?
Wed Mar 07 16:58:15 +0000 2012
Replying to @literarychica
Hey, thanks! If I find myself at loose ends, I'll let you know.
Wed Mar 07 17:04:04 +0000 2012
Replying to @NU_CSCDC and @claireystew
Wed Mar 07 17:04:19 +0000 2012
Replying to @claireystew and @nu_cscdc
I'm looking forward to the visit as well!
Wed Mar 07 17:08:12 +0000 2012
In case I haven't mentioned it recently: @zotero rocks. Thanks, @chnm.
Wed Mar 07 17:12:15 +0000 2012
Replying to @ftrain
One begins to think that the persona has got to be an extremely protracted piece of performance art.
Wed Mar 07 17:47:44 +0000 2012
I'm revising a talk into an article. Most of the work is replacing claims that "people say" stuff with actual examples of people saying it.
Wed Mar 07 18:10:25 +0000 2012
Replying to @tcarmody
Any indication of whether the new Apple TV interface is coming to existing devices as an update?
Wed Mar 07 18:18:51 +0000 2012
Replying to @ftrain
Hey! I might know of a book about that phenomenon! http://www.amazon.com/Anxiety-Obsolescence-American-Novel-Television/dp/0826515207/
Wed Mar 07 18:29:33 +0000 2012
Replying to @elotroalex
My talks also have lots of the passive-voice version \("arguments have been made"\).
Wed Mar 07 18:30:45 +0000 2012
Replying to @tcarmody
It'll dictate what you have to say? Sorta like Cyrano de Bergerac?
Wed Mar 07 18:36:15 +0000 2012
Replying to @ftrain
Cool; thanks!
Wed Mar 07 21:18:57 +0000 2012
Replying to @jbj
Woo-hoo!!! Congrats, prof!
Wed Mar 07 21:22:42 +0000 2012
Replying to @parezcoydigo
Neither do I! Turns a one-step process into three: duplicate, rename, move to new location. Grrrr.
Wed Mar 07 21:26:15 +0000 2012
Long day. Much work. Crucial meetings. Gave talk. Now a late dinner before collapsing.
Thu Mar 08 01:44:22 +0000 2012
#crappyevals "I don't think she really understood the essays we read. All she did was tear them down."
Thu Mar 08 02:30:25 +0000 2012
Replying to @urbanhumanist
Ooh, I got that one a lot, even in good evils. #crappyevals
Thu Mar 08 02:36:22 +0000 2012
Replying to @urbanhumanist
Thu Mar 08 02:45:48 +0000 2012
RT @ernestopriego: Este día internacional de la mujer lee mi traducción del discurso de @kfitz,http://humanidadesdigitales.net/blog/?p=205 @Red_HD #IWD
Thu Mar 08 14:04:11 +0000 2012
Replying to @jwolman
One of these things is not like the other...!
Thu Mar 08 15:28:51 +0000 2012
Replying to @parezcoydigo
Congrats to her! Such great news.
Thu Mar 08 15:30:55 +0000 2012
Replying to @jwolman
Cool - will love to hear your thoughts when the time comes.
Thu Mar 08 15:32:35 +0000 2012
Replying to @maximolly
Congratulations, Molly!!! Fabulous news!
Thu Mar 08 20:38:55 +0000 2012
Did I really just repair my dishwasher myself by watching a video on YouTube and then following its instructions? Why, yes. Yes I did.
Sat Mar 10 18:54:38 +0000 2012
Replying to @jvinopal
Sat Mar 10 19:11:15 +0000 2012
Replying to @ChristophrLucas
No kidding. It turns out it was a pretty simple problem, but I'd never have attempted it myself without YouTube.
Sat Mar 10 19:42:56 +0000 2012
Replying to @brettbobley
I'm thinking there might be something in that idea!
Sat Mar 10 19:54:03 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself
Have YouTube, will travel.
Sun Mar 11 03:17:08 +0000 2012
There's been a really annoying beeping noise coming from the building next door for about 15 mins. Just now: sirens stopping next door. #hmm
Sun Mar 11 03:21:51 +0000 2012
Replying to @CapitolClio and @wynkenhimself
And this was after the building maintenance guy had declared defeat. #hearmeroar
Sun Mar 11 03:23:20 +0000 2012
Annoying beeping noise stopped. Thanks siren guys!
Sun Mar 11 03:24:58 +0000 2012
Weird thing: Gmail in Chrome on MBAir has intermittent font rendering issue. Helvetica becomes faintly pixelated. Never happens on desktop.
Sun Mar 11 14:42:36 +0000 2012
Replying to @cjprender
Exactly! It's subtle, but the usual Helvetica looks just a hair more like an old-skool Apple font: slightly taller & thinner.
Sun Mar 11 14:49:50 +0000 2012
Today the airport fed my misanthropy. Slow lines of demanding people. Loud cell phone talkers. Screaming children. Rude agents. *breathe*
Sun Mar 11 16:25:08 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
Weirdly, my inbox seems to have filled up with documents. I wonder what happened.
Sun Mar 11 20:01:40 +0000 2012
I am NOT having a good arrival.
Sun Mar 11 20:20:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @jbj
Holy crap - the 8yo wound up in the crossfire? Or did the nose-bloodying trigger the swing at you?
Sun Mar 11 22:56:47 +0000 2012
Replying to @jbj
Good grief. I hope he's okay - and that you are, too!
Sun Mar 11 22:58:29 +0000 2012
Breakfast at SPARC OA. Very excited about today's program. If you're here, please be sure to say hi! #sparc2012
Mon Mar 12 13:44:39 +0000 2012
Replying to @LibSkrat
Wait- while you're there? Does that mean you're not here? Do I continue to fail to find myself in the same room as you? #sparc2012
Mon Mar 12 13:47:54 +0000 2012
Replying to @CampusCopyright
It was great meeting you, too - though it would have been better had a made a less grouchy first impression!
Mon Mar 12 14:17:33 +0000 2012
Replying to @LibSkrat
Ah, well. Another time!
Mon Mar 12 14:50:09 +0000 2012
Absolutely brilliant keynote from @wilbanks here at #sparc2012. Lots to absorb in thinking about how to move to OA publishing models.
Mon Mar 12 15:06:07 +0000 2012
Replying to @wilbanks
But the gubermint is takin our properteeez! #sparc2012
Mon Mar 12 16:48:43 +0000 2012
RT @nowviskie: Excited about @kfitz's "Planned Obsolescence" talk at @ScholarsLab on Thursday! @sivavaid is her respondent. http://t.co/ ...
Mon Mar 12 19:02:33 +0000 2012
Replying to @jcmeloni
I will! I'm sorry I won't see you, but hope all is going fabulously.
Mon Mar 12 19:25:15 +0000 2012
Replying to @jcmeloni
Surely I'll be there again someday….
Mon Mar 12 19:26:31 +0000 2012
RT @brettbobley: Hi #sparc2012. Note that NEH's Office of Digital Humanities also requires data management plan (humanities: we do resea ...
Mon Mar 12 20:48:24 +0000 2012
Replying to @parezcoydigo
Oh, god, how awful. I'm so sorry!
Mon Mar 12 20:59:01 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego, @uclu, @ucl_main_lib and @rgfeal
It's not that we didn't consider it! We have to stay consistent with the rules of the 7th ed. +
Tue Mar 13 13:48:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego, @uclu, @ucl_main_lib and @rgfeal
But stay tuned: revisions are in the works.
Tue Mar 13 13:49:05 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego, @uclu, @ucl_main_lib and @rgfeal
URLs are not required for any resource in the 7th ed -- UNLESS it's necessary for your purposes!
Tue Mar 13 13:53:41 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego, @uclu, @ucl_main_lib and @rgfeal
Same principle applies here. Style is flexible: include the URL if it matters. \(Ahem\.\)
Tue Mar 13 13:54:08 +0000 2012
Replying to @johnmjones
How do I cite an e-book? http://www.mla.org/style/handbook_faq/cite_an_ebook
Tue Mar 13 13:57:08 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego, @uclu, @ucl_main_lib and @rgfeal
Trust me, this has been debated since the 7th ed came out; you are not alone. Again, revision TK.
Tue Mar 13 13:57:45 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
Yes, twitter citations.
Tue Mar 13 13:58:06 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
No, of course: I just meant that "include the URL if it matters for your purposes" applies to twitter citations as well.
Tue Mar 13 14:01:15 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
Sorry, missed this before. The Handbook is aimed at scholars, instructors, and students at varying levels, all of whom +
Tue Mar 13 16:10:27 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
have different needs. Some scholars may always need URLs, but others may not. And some instructors may want URLs, but +
Tue Mar 13 16:10:35 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
others may not. Moreover, at the time of the 7th ed, most of the URLs from the 6th ed were dead; it seemed to the authors +
Tue Mar 13 16:10:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
at the time that URLs weren't fully useful. The response from scholars \(me included\) was fairly negative. We've considered, +
Tue Mar 13 16:10:43 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
and are working on revisions. More TK.
Tue Mar 13 16:10:46 +0000 2012
Replying to @triproftri
I think that makes me Alec Guinness. *ponders*
I'll take that.
Tue Mar 13 16:10:52 +0000 2012
Replying to @heatherbrezo
I'm still here!
Tue Mar 13 16:13:52 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
Email me! Your thoughts would be useful for our considerations.
Tue Mar 13 18:13:37 +0000 2012
Replying to @RohanMaitzen
Wow. In exchange for…?
Tue Mar 13 19:41:17 +0000 2012
Replying to @literarychica
Woo hoo!
Tue Mar 13 19:44:27 +0000 2012
Replying to @RohanMaitzen
As that particular benefit has already been reaped, one wonders what they'll do if/when you say no. Unpublish/deprivilege it?
Tue Mar 13 19:51:20 +0000 2012
Replying to @wilbanks
Sorry to have missed your departure! It was great meeting you; I'll look forward to talking more.
Wed Mar 14 02:03:20 +0000 2012
Thank goodness I got 9 hours of sleep last night. Because it appears I'm getting none tonight. Not for lack of trying, mind. #grumble
Wed Mar 14 06:07:55 +0000 2012
Replying to @sleonchnm
You said it. #grrr
Wed Mar 14 06:09:06 +0000 2012
Managed something just shy of 3 hours of sleep. Have made it to the airport, however, early and more or less ready to go. UVa, here I come!
Wed Mar 14 11:37:53 +0000 2012
Replying to @nowviskie
I'm positive it will be fun! Really looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the crew.
Wed Mar 14 11:43:42 +0000 2012
Replying to @nowviskie
I approve heartily of both of those plans.
Wed Mar 14 11:51:36 +0000 2012
RT @hjoseph: Open Access can support innovation and generate faster translation of research into practice - http://tinyurl.com/7rc7gol #openaccess
Wed Mar 14 12:46:47 +0000 2012
Well, as the joke goes, there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that Planned Obsolescence got reviewed in TLS!
Wed Mar 14 16:24:55 +0000 2012
I'll leave you to figure out the bad news for yourselves.
Wed Mar 14 16:25:36 +0000 2012
Replying to @LibSkrat
It was sent to me as a scan, so I have no idea if it's online. Which may be just as well.
Wed Mar 14 16:31:12 +0000 2012
Replying to @RohanMaitzen
Wed Mar 14 16:31:25 +0000 2012
Replying to @wilbanks
Will do!
Wed Mar 14 16:31:50 +0000 2012
Replying to @caseyboyle
Thank you. I really appreciate the perspective.
Wed Mar 14 16:32:28 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself
I hope so. There's a bit of "offa my lawn" in it, but I fear not enough to make anyone say "now this I gotta read."
Wed Mar 14 16:33:42 +0000 2012
Replying to @jcmeloni
Heh. Not yet, at least - my suitcase is still in my possession!
Wed Mar 14 16:41:24 +0000 2012
Replying to @swarthmoreburke
Ha! He also seems profoundly unconcerned with issues of preservation.
Wed Mar 14 16:42:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @swarthmoreburke
Right. I was thinking "as opposed to…?"
Wed Mar 14 16:46:16 +0000 2012
Replying to @swarthmoreburke
It's something when one becomes nostalgic for Stanley Fish's in-depth analysis.
Wed Mar 14 16:49:36 +0000 2012
Replying to @footnotesrising, @laurenfklein, @mkgold, @miriamkp, @ncecire and @elotroalex
Hey, very exciting - looking forward to it!
Wed Mar 14 21:08:57 +0000 2012
Awesome dinner with @nowviskie and the fabulous @scholarslab crew. Looking forward to tomorrow's talk and meeting the @PraxisProgram folks!
Thu Mar 15 00:24:05 +0000 2012
Replying to @jonbecker
Ha. I will prepare accordingly!
Thu Mar 15 00:44:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @samplereality and @miriamkp
Hey, I forgot both of you are going to be there! We must meet up and plot. Something.
Thu Mar 15 00:53:05 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp and @samplereality
That's what I'm saying. Also, my workshop comes complete with the disembodied presence of Jason "Headroom" Mittell.
Thu Mar 15 01:01:51 +0000 2012
Replying to @ericdmj
Me too! Thanks for the company - I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Thu Mar 15 01:42:18 +0000 2012
@nancybaym Have been thinking about you & your house all evening. Just flew in & out of KCI and was remembering last year's fabulous visit!
Thu Mar 15 01:43:37 +0000 2012
@nancybaym I missed getting to say hi, but you have to admit the weather was a bit better, this time around. :)
Thu Mar 15 01:44:06 +0000 2012
Replying to @nancybaym
I will hope that it stays that way, and that the transition east goes smoothly. I'll look forward to having you nearby!
Thu Mar 15 01:56:22 +0000 2012
Replying to @nancybaym
Trust me when I say I understand. Moving is excruciating, even when headed toward a super-exciting destination.
Thu Mar 15 01:59:26 +0000 2012
Replying to @nancybaym
Ugh; that's especially hard...
Thu Mar 15 02:06:10 +0000 2012
Replying to @katecrawford and @nancybaym
I will very much look forward to that!
Thu Mar 15 02:06:57 +0000 2012
Replying to @foundhistory
My own personal bacon has been saved by that feature on at least two occasions.
Thu Mar 15 14:23:44 +0000 2012
Replying to @foundhistory
Yup. I keep hoping Sparrow will find a way to implement it.
Thu Mar 15 14:25:48 +0000 2012
Replying to @foundhistory
My favorite example? The time I replied-all just before realizing that it was to a message on which I'd been bcc'd. Undo!
Thu Mar 15 14:27:20 +0000 2012
Replying to @foundhistory
Which actually raises another potential feature: the "hey, stupid, you were bcc'd" reply-all block.
Thu Mar 15 14:27:47 +0000 2012
About to get started here at @scholarslab. What a great visit!
Thu Mar 15 18:04:01 +0000 2012
Replying to @mkirschenbaum
That sounds ominous.
Fri Mar 16 01:37:59 +0000 2012
My catsitter is so totally fired. Anybody with Manhattan catsitting recommendations should please let me know.
Fri Mar 16 03:30:39 +0000 2012
Replying to @LibSkrat
Well, there's the suspiciously large amount of food my cats currently have in their bowls, though there isn't extra food missing.
Fri Mar 16 03:33:21 +0000 2012
Replying to @LibSkrat
But the real thing? My shower has been recently used. AS HAS MY TOWEL.
Fri Mar 16 03:33:54 +0000 2012
Replying to @cjprender
Cats appear fine. I, however, am displeased.
Fri Mar 16 03:35:01 +0000 2012
Problem 1: a suspiciously large amount of food in their bowls, despite not a lot of food used, which makes me wonder how often she came.
Fri Mar 16 03:36:41 +0000 2012
But problem 2: my shower has been very recently used. As has my towel.
Fri Mar 16 03:37:36 +0000 2012
I'd be fine with the shower part, if there were a note of explanation. The towel part, not so much.
Fri Mar 16 03:38:00 +0000 2012
Replying to @sherah1918
First thing I thought, I swear to god. I may not sleep tonight. **shudder**
Fri Mar 16 03:39:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @LibSkrat
Yeah, that's probably a little far.
Fri Mar 16 03:46:35 +0000 2012
Replying to @BendProf
Cats are fine. I'm the only one skeeved.
Fri Mar 16 03:47:14 +0000 2012
Replying to @Crepuscularsofa
They never tell me anything. Secretive little things.
Fri Mar 16 03:50:39 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
First thing I thought.
Fri Mar 16 03:50:54 +0000 2012
Replying to @BendProf and @rgfeal
Wine/whiskey appear to be intact. Tequila, I can't be sure of.
Fri Mar 16 04:02:35 +0000 2012
Replying to @Ed_Raso
They do seem to have salt on their whiskers...
Fri Mar 16 04:09:23 +0000 2012
Replying to @Ed_Raso
Oh, wait; I thought you were responding to the missing tequila issue.
Fri Mar 16 04:09:52 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
They don't appear to be. But they're behaving suspiciously.
Fri Mar 16 04:30:04 +0000 2012
Replying to @cryptopix
I've got a few leads, so I think I'm covered for the moment - but thanks!
Fri Mar 16 12:33:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @samplereality
Oh, man. I'm glad they're okay!
Sat Mar 17 04:39:22 +0000 2012
Replying to @phdaisy
Thanks! I think I'm set for now, but will ask you again if something comes up.
Sat Mar 17 22:16:50 +0000 2012
Replying to @jwolman
Book 1 has lots of cyborgs. Book 2 has more zombies. The change means something, I think. \(Glad you're enjoying it so far\!\)
Sun Mar 18 16:40:38 +0000 2012
Absolutely gorgeous day, spent reading and drinking coffee and pondering a new talk. Feeling rested and organized and productive.
Sun Mar 18 18:04:56 +0000 2012
It must be the coffee.
Sun Mar 18 18:05:07 +0000 2012
Replying to @sleonchnm
Their feeding schedule was way off, so it took them a bit to get back to routine, but both are happily napping in the sun now!
Sun Mar 18 18:08:01 +0000 2012
Replying to @Crepuscularsofa
Italian roast from a dominant chain, purchased in bulk from a large online retailer. It's the press pot that's the key.
Sun Mar 18 18:12:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @Crepuscularsofa
Nice tip - thanks!
Sun Mar 18 18:48:50 +0000 2012
Replying to @savasavasava and @tcarmody
I'm pretty thrilled about it myself!
Sun Mar 18 21:13:48 +0000 2012
It's an unbelievably gorgeous afternoon out here on the terrace.
Sun Mar 18 21:18:36 +0000 2012
Replying to @tcarmody and @savasavasava
My kitties and I appreciate that more than I can say!
Sun Mar 18 21:19:07 +0000 2012
Chickpea and spinach soup, with pine nuts and golden raisins, over brown rice. Awesome *and* virtuous.
Sun Mar 18 23:13:11 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
Nope - made by me!
Sun Mar 18 23:54:42 +0000 2012
Replying to @2xlp
OOH. Okay, that goes on the list for next time.
Sun Mar 18 23:55:44 +0000 2012
Hey, cool. Via @Crepuscularsofa: "brand new bio of J K Toole by Cory MacLaughlan... http://corymaclauchlin.com/news-and-updates/"
Mon Mar 19 01:43:07 +0000 2012
Replying to @Crepuscularsofa
Really? My office address is here: http://www.mla.org/contact. I will defer to your recommendation - with thanks!
Mon Mar 19 12:48:39 +0000 2012
Replying to @CarolineSutton
I'll do that! It's from Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian - the spinach variation on the basic chickpea soup.
Mon Mar 19 12:49:27 +0000 2012
Replying to @parezcoydigo
Mon Mar 19 17:18:55 +0000 2012
Okay, bizarre: my 20th c Australian alter ego apparently got an odd mention in the TLS on March 9 also. March 9, 1951. http://residentjudge.wordpress.com/2010/02/25/kathleen-fitzpatrick-and-jessie-webb/
Mon Mar 19 20:58:56 +0000 2012
Perhaps every half-century, reviewers look for a Kathleen Fitzpatrick to smack down?
Mon Mar 19 20:59:31 +0000 2012
"Why doesn’t one, at one’s advanced age, and in view of not being inexperienced in the art of being slapped, why doesn’t one cease to mind?"
Mon Mar 19 21:01:46 +0000 2012
Hey @digitalcampus: just listened to the post recent edition. You know the language of the Marquette license for faculty work is the same +
Mon Mar 19 22:35:56 +0000 2012
\(cont\) @digitalcampus as many institutional OA mandates? Food for thought.
Mon Mar 19 22:36:41 +0000 2012
@digitalcampus s/post/most
Mon Mar 19 22:38:14 +0000 2012
Replying to @audreywatters
3 male professors? Please tell me this was 3 male professors. Otherwise my head may explode. \(I mean, it is anyway, but…\)
Tue Mar 20 01:39:53 +0000 2012
Replying to @audreywatters
Good grief. I'm right there with you.
Tue Mar 20 01:43:36 +0000 2012
Replying to @triproftri, @rgfeal and @bendprof
Kathy, that's terrifying. I'm glad to know you're okay!
Tue Mar 20 01:57:00 +0000 2012
Replying to @audreywatters
what @wynkenhimself said.
Tue Mar 20 02:08:20 +0000 2012
Replying to @alicetiara
I'm in! I get there tomorrow afternoon.
Tue Mar 20 13:37:09 +0000 2012
Replying to @alothian
Woo-hoo! Congrats!
Tue Mar 20 20:10:10 +0000 2012
Replying to @HASTAC
I have to say, I'm not thrilled to see the official HASTAC account helping to perpetuate such an outdated vision of the MLA.
Wed Mar 21 14:24:38 +0000 2012
Replying to @micahvandegrift
The fall is booking fast, though I may have some room. Email me, okay?
Wed Mar 21 14:38:10 +0000 2012
Replying to @GeorgeOnline, @braillesc and @umd_mith
Fabulous! Congrats, all!
Wed Mar 21 15:36:04 +0000 2012
Replying to @sleonchnm, @nehgov, @sherah1918 and @leeannghajar
Congrats, all!
Wed Mar 21 16:10:03 +0000 2012
Replying to @nmhouston and @neh_odh
Congrats, Natalie - sounds like a fantastic project!
Wed Mar 21 16:53:59 +0000 2012
#scms12: I have arriven. Now to find some chowder or a lobster roll. More after lunch.
Wed Mar 21 17:09:20 +0000 2012
Replying to @Crepuscularsofa
Thank you! Godness knows I could use it.
Wed Mar 21 17:17:43 +0000 2012
Replying to @sivavaid
Dodged, nothing. He'd have dared the NFL to punish him & called out the hypocrisy of pretending the game is played any other way.
Wed Mar 21 18:00:36 +0000 2012
Replying to @sivavaid and @stmartinspress
At least Karen Wright is!
Wed Mar 21 18:06:30 +0000 2012
Replying to @sivavaid
True. And placed odds on him in Vegas.
Wed Mar 21 18:12:13 +0000 2012
Replying to @captain_primate, @nehgov and @matrix_msu
Woo hoo! Congrats!
Wed Mar 21 18:29:35 +0000 2012
Replying to @nypl_labs, @neh_odh and @nyplmaps
Fantastic news; congrats!
Wed Mar 21 20:00:14 +0000 2012
Replying to @triproftri
That is *most* awesome!
Wed Mar 21 20:01:24 +0000 2012
Most awesome. // “@triproftri: just heard that Planned Obsolescence is making its way thru Assoc VPs at my univ!!”
Wed Mar 21 20:03:34 +0000 2012
#scms12 folks: if you're interested in joining us, @samplereality and I are at the bar \("The Bar"\) in the Taj Boston hotel.
Wed Mar 21 22:33:41 +0000 2012
Did I really just tap play on a YouTube video on my laptop screen with my finger, twice, wondering why it wasn't working? Yes. Yes I did.
Thu Mar 22 00:35:47 +0000 2012
Replying to @newkidonthehall
Oh no! I'm so sorry!
Thu Mar 22 00:36:51 +0000 2012
Replying to @jenguiliano
And of course the universal gesture for miming "paging through a book" is now a stabbing motion.
Thu Mar 22 00:40:43 +0000 2012
Replying to @tjowens
Maybe stick a pencil through the sprocket and rewind it just a little?
Thu Mar 22 00:52:29 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
Sorry, no pix. But I think @samplereality saves his best shirts for you and @briancroxall anyhow.
Thu Mar 22 01:17:08 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp
No, I'm in Pairings, the bar in the conf hotel. Come join me!
Thu Mar 22 01:17:59 +0000 2012
Replying to @Sarah_M_Ford
Now that's thinking ahead!
Thu Mar 22 02:50:14 +0000 2012
Replying to @profwernimont
Yikes! Was, is, hopefully will be! #nitle
Thu Mar 22 18:42:00 +0000 2012
Replying to @samplereality
They might also consider moving that small panel to a room within a five minute walk from the original location.
Thu Mar 22 19:30:45 +0000 2012
Mildly weirded out by the bizarre combo of high school auditorium and faux opera house \(including box seats\) in this hotel ballroom. #scms12
Thu Mar 22 19:39:18 +0000 2012
It's a ballitorium.
Thu Mar 22 19:42:16 +0000 2012
Replying to @zachwhalen
Whoa. I'd missed that.
Thu Mar 22 19:43:24 +0000 2012
Replying to @profsample
The Phantom of the Ballitorium?
Thu Mar 22 19:44:05 +0000 2012
Replying to @iainsimons and @fraistat
It's like the set for the high school musical version of The Shining.
Thu Mar 22 19:46:51 +0000 2012
Replying to @iainsimons and @fraistat
My people will talk to your people.
Thu Mar 22 19:48:28 +0000 2012
Replying to @jwolman
Woo hoo! \(Of course the first thing I notice in that passage is a MASSIVE grammatical error\. How did that get past my copyeditor?\!\)
Fri Mar 23 12:45:07 +0000 2012
Replying to @jwolman
There is that.
Fri Mar 23 12:50:14 +0000 2012
Best. Thing. Ever. RT @sleonchnm: For you Friday Night Lights loving academics: Academic Coach Taylor http://bit.ly/wQjfva
Fri Mar 23 13:00:39 +0000 2012
A friend of mine is reading Planned Obsolescence. He tweets a link to a cool Kindle-shared passage. What's the first thing I see? +
Fri Mar 23 13:11:47 +0000 2012
A *glaring* grammatical error. How did that get past both me and my awesome copyeditor??? https://kindle.amazon.com/post/FXTCW6FLJDCL
Fri Mar 23 13:12:40 +0000 2012
Replying to @nancybaym
I suppose so. When I got my first book in the mail I opened it, scanned the first page, and saw a sentence I should have revised.
Fri Mar 23 13:14:38 +0000 2012
Replying to @nancybaym
Weirdly, that makes me feel better, too.
Fri Mar 23 13:16:52 +0000 2012
Replying to @eetempleton
Conceivably! My book should be in the exhibit today; I'll go check the hard copy. I'm not optimistic about it, though.
Fri Mar 23 13:19:12 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself
THAT IS ALL I'M SAYING. I feel completely ripped off. If I wanted to be winterless, I could be in SoCal.
Fri Mar 23 13:50:50 +0000 2012
Replying to @julivox
Trust me, after 13 years, I know. All that stupid warmth and sunshine made a lover of winter out of me!
Fri Mar 23 13:53:43 +0000 2012
Congrats, all! RT @scholarslab: Welcoming @katinalynn to the Scholars' Lab and @PraxisProgram family! Go, team SCI! http://is.gd/HeYjwd
Fri Mar 23 14:48:01 +0000 2012
Workshop on the profession in transition at #scms12, led off by @miriamkp on graduate training and @ddchamberlain on the postdoc.
Fri Mar 23 16:27:52 +0000 2012
Amen. // RT @miriamkp: God bless Patrice Petro for saying that there is intellectual labor in many kinds of jobs, not just faculty. #scms12
Fri Mar 23 17:54:23 +0000 2012
Beginning session on Code Studies and Videogames, being introduced by @zachwhalen.
Fri Mar 23 18:19:38 +0000 2012
Beginning session on Code Studies and Videogames, being introduced by @zachwhalen. \(This time with hashtag: \#scms12\.\)
Fri Mar 23 18:21:12 +0000 2012
Fantastic! Congrats, Cliff. RT @tmcphers: Congrats to Cliff Lynch on winning the 2012 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award http://bit.ly/GMk1P9
Fri Mar 23 18:42:27 +0000 2012
Sheila Murphy describing the fetishization of code as part of a "zombie-like" return of the fixation on textuality. #scms12
Fri Mar 23 18:45:51 +0000 2012
Now @samplereality reading JFK Reloaded; relationships to documentary, forensics, declares connection to operational reality. #scms12
Fri Mar 23 18:51:10 +0000 2012
#scms12 @samplereality Reading code comments can help us avoid Montfort's "screen essentialism" in new media studies.
Fri Mar 23 19:02:28 +0000 2012
Replying to @savasavasava
Shoot, but those are some awfully cute cats. Thanks for the pix!
Sat Mar 24 03:25:25 +0000 2012
Replying to @mkirschenbaum
@zachwhalen, if I'm remembering correctly. #scms12
Sat Mar 24 03:32:21 +0000 2012
Replying to @samplereality, @mkirschenbaum and @jmittell
Whoops. I had a 50-50 chance of being right. See how that turned out.
Sat Mar 24 03:48:04 +0000 2012
Replying to @d_kompare
That would be great. Other than my panel at 5 tomorrow, I'm pretty flexible, so let's find time!
Sat Mar 24 03:48:57 +0000 2012
Replying to @d_kompare
Absolutely! I'll look forward to it.
Sat Mar 24 03:51:54 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp
Hey, I hope you're feeling better!
Sat Mar 24 03:52:04 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp
No kidding. It's the getting from *here* to *there* that blows.
Sat Mar 24 03:53:16 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp
That is certainly one way of putting it! #scms12
Sat Mar 24 17:13:29 +0000 2012
Getting started with Collective Scholarship in Digital Contexts. #scms12
Sat Mar 24 21:04:08 +0000 2012
Wow: @jmittell publishing the first chapters of his book online while we watch: http://tinyurl.com/complextv
Sat Mar 24 21:22:39 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp
Very sorry you're not here; you would dig it! #scms12
Sat Mar 24 21:40:16 +0000 2012
Replying to @tmcphers
It is interesting; it's a factor of the kinds of work we happen to do. A voice for data/archives would add a lot. #scms12
Sat Mar 24 22:20:36 +0000 2012
Replying to @ddchamberlain, @tmcphers and @d_kompare
Indeed! @IMR has relied heavily on #criticalcommons for its sustainability.
Sat Mar 24 22:25:36 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself, @vaguery and @rgfeal
Somebody would love to have those OCR'd! (And marked up, too.$
Sat Mar 24 22:49:25 +0000 2012
MT @CaseyBrienza: My review of @kfitz's PlannedObs for Publ Research Q http://www.springerlink.com/content/k3530231243w2v25/ // A thoughtful critical assessment - thank you!
Mon Mar 26 12:30:29 +0000 2012
Replying to @ernestopriego
I know, right? For a two page book review.
Mon Mar 26 12:39:45 +0000 2012
Replying to @katinalynn
I have a friend who had to hire a company that specializes in taking sofas apart & rebuilding them. Let me know if you need...
Mon Mar 26 15:03:10 +0000 2012
RT @jmittell: ICYMI: I've posted the first chapters of @ComplexTV for feedback at http://bit.ly/gcw5hc - please read, share & comment!
Mon Mar 26 15:04:53 +0000 2012
Replying to @katinalynn
I hope it won't, too. You'd never know their sofa had been taken apart, though; it's pretty amazing.
Mon Mar 26 15:05:20 +0000 2012
Replying to @GeorgeOnline
Nope! Deadline is 1 April. Propose away! #mla13
Mon Mar 26 16:15:42 +0000 2012
Replying to @jtheibault and @adelinekoh
Wow, and positively! Thanks for pointing this out.
Mon Mar 26 16:44:03 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself
This may be an AZERTY keyboard problem; have you tried forwarding the msg to your address except with a Z?
Mon Mar 26 17:13:41 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself
Good question. Might be easier for her to remember that the A is in the wrong place. AZERTY is the French standard kbd, btw.
Mon Mar 26 17:17:01 +0000 2012
Replying to @bogost_ebooks and @savasavasava
Dude. I sometimes feel like my projects are talking to me, but this would really freak me out.
Mon Mar 26 18:14:16 +0000 2012
I have written a thing today that, if I can get it approved, I will have accomplished something serious. #vaguetweet
Mon Mar 26 19:40:35 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
I most certainly hope you do/will!
Mon Mar 26 20:21:33 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
In your inbox, boss.
Mon Mar 26 20:28:23 +0000 2012
Replying to @jaheppler
Mon Mar 26 23:15:25 +0000 2012
Replying to @jcmeloni and @interfolio
Hooray! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Tue Mar 27 11:29:42 +0000 2012
Replying to @Crepuscularsofa
I have just received a MOST AMAZING package! I so look forward to testing it out. Thank you!
Tue Mar 27 12:29:15 +0000 2012
Replying to @Crepuscularsofa
Seriously, I'm looking at them. Trying to decide how up-market I want to go for a first foray...
Tue Mar 27 12:59:58 +0000 2012
Replying to @GeorgeOnline
Did you get an answer to your Handbook login Q? Start on main MLA site & under Members click "Use the MLA Handbook website."
Tue Mar 27 18:41:47 +0000 2012
Replying to @nancybaym
The changes may be dizzying but will certainly be super-productive. I'll look forward to comparing notes with you!
Wed Mar 28 13:46:30 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp
I'm afraid to look. By "interesting" do you mean "adds useful insight" or "makes your head explode"?
Wed Mar 28 16:57:24 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp
Okay, that's what I was hoping for, but didn't want to click expecting that and instead get "what a bunch of whiners."
Wed Mar 28 16:58:48 +0000 2012
Replying to @miriamkp
"It's just like that guy said in that newspaper on Sunday!"
Wed Mar 28 17:00:10 +0000 2012
RT @mediacommons: Come participate in the peer-to-peer review of Jason Mittell's Complex Television, at MediaCommons Press! http://t.co/ ...
Wed Mar 28 19:11:47 +0000 2012
Replying to @shanakimball
I was tempted by the super cute 11, too, but went with the 13 for the screen real estate - has the resolution of the 15" MBP.
Thu Mar 29 16:00:44 +0000 2012
Replying to @MrChase
Very cool! Alas, I won't be able to be there, but will hope to hear about how it goes. I hope there's good tweeting!
Fri Mar 30 02:22:23 +0000 2012
Replying to @MrChase
I won't be able to, alas; I'm stuck in a meeting all day and won't be able to get clear.
Fri Mar 30 02:25:17 +0000 2012
Replying to @boone
Okay, great. Now I'm going to have "C Is For Cookie" in my head for the rest of the night. \("That's good enough for me\!"\)
Fri Mar 30 02:42:30 +0000 2012
Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C. \(Da da da da da da da…\)
Fri Mar 30 02:44:57 +0000 2012
Replying to @gossettphd
Actually kfitz47 at gmail is best. Thanks!
Fri Mar 30 18:29:48 +0000 2012
Replying to @cforster
Fri Mar 30 18:30:46 +0000 2012
Replying to @cliotropic
Fri Mar 30 18:34:27 +0000 2012
Replying to @DrGnosis
Oh, dear. This can't end well.
Fri Mar 30 18:47:12 +0000 2012
Replying to @jtheibault
I'm so sorry, John. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Fri Mar 30 19:34:50 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself, @amandafrench, @jenhoward and @capitolclio
Aw, man. I can't figure out why you didn't decide to get together in NYC instead.
Fri Mar 30 19:39:48 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself, @amandafrench, @jenhoward and @capitolclio
Afraid I probably wouldn't make it on time, even if I took the Acela. Have fun, though!
Fri Mar 30 19:43:16 +0000 2012
My home iMac has just crossed the 3-year threshold & is slowing down a lot, despite Activity Monitor suggesting that everything's fine.
Fri Mar 30 21:27:18 +0000 2012
Replying to @speedysnail
Mine has similar lags at odd moments, and I can't figure out what's causing them.
Fri Mar 30 21:40:25 +0000 2012
Replying to @speedysnail
In my case it might be Chrome. But the planned obsolescence factor makes me crazy. Is Apple just trying to tell me it's time?
Fri Mar 30 21:57:34 +0000 2012
Replying to @DrGnosis, @fraistat and @libskrat
Fri Mar 30 21:58:09 +0000 2012
Replying to @mmwwah
*sigh* And this is after I did a major wipe & reinstall a month or so ago. The creeping slow is creeping back.
Fri Mar 30 22:36:47 +0000 2012
Replying to @GeorgeOnline
There will be lots. #mla13
Sat Mar 31 12:00:06 +0000 2012
Replying to @rgfeal
Scorsese says it's his most violent film.
Sat Mar 31 19:09:53 +0000 2012
Replying to @wynkenhimself
This does not sound inappropriate.
Sat Mar 31 19:11:33 +0000 2012
Replying to @Ed_Raso
Hey, congrats!
Sat Mar 31 19:16:57 +0000 2012
Grateful for the sweet thought, though I think it's meant for someone else: “@3M4C: Wishing a better day for @kfitz, haters gon' hate. <3”