2012 05 01 tweets

Replying to @nowviskie

Got it. #SCIspa

Tue May 01 17:00:10 +0000 2012

Getting started at #SCIspa, talking about a few projects in scholarly communication as a means of thinking through to larger issues.

Tue May 01 17:01:36 +0000 2012

Devices around the table at this meeting: 11 MBAirs, 2 MBs, 4 ayPads \(3 not in use\), 1 non-Pomme laptop, 4 pen-and-paper.

Tue May 01 19:57:53 +0000 2012

Replying to @jcmeloni

No French spambots out there, perhaps.

Tue May 01 20:07:50 +0000 2012

Great 2 days of discussing scholarly communication w/#SCIspa. Now preparing for 2 days of making schol comm happen w/the #mla13 program cte.

Wed May 02 20:44:33 +0000 2012

Have let many angry thoughts go unshared over the last couple of days. Am grateful for the smartness and compassion of my @profhacker pals.

Fri May 04 23:46:19 +0000 2012

Replying to @LibSkrat

You are so much more than welcome - I should be thanking you for all the help!

Sat May 05 00:12:09 +0000 2012

Replying to @BendProf

Nov. 6-7!

Sat May 05 03:13:50 +0000 2012

Beginning to get this summer's very complex travel arrangements arranged. Booked thus far: EWR > FRA > OPO > FRA > EWR > BNA > LAX > EWR. +

Sat May 05 16:09:42 +0000 2012

Still to come: German train tickets and two more plane tickets. -

Sat May 05 16:10:24 +0000 2012

Replying to @jmittell

AWESOME. I was poking around a bit on the DB site and getting a bit perplexed by the options.

Sat May 05 16:11:58 +0000 2012

Replying to @Ed_Raso

Truly, but with as few automobiles as possible.

Sat May 05 16:12:40 +0000 2012

Replying to @jmittell

Will do!

Sat May 05 16:17:14 +0000 2012

Have had filling. Dentist wanted to make sure I felt nothing. Has, I believe, made sure I will feel nothing for a couple of days. *sigh*

Mon May 07 21:00:19 +0000 2012

Replying to @savasavasava

Except more lispy due to the fat tongue.

Mon May 07 21:04:29 +0000 2012

Sadly, I once again have feeling in the left side of my face.

Mon May 07 23:44:46 +0000 2012

RT @nowviskie: Open, transparent agenda-setting at the ACH, your DH professional association! Please join in: http://is.gd/jh10E3

Tue May 08 13:29:29 +0000 2012

Totally declaring Twitter bankruptcy on this day. If there's stuff I should have seen or responded to, be sure to poke me!

Wed May 09 00:41:04 +0000 2012

Replying to @surlyF

Aw, rats. Am I going to have to scroll back?

Wed May 09 00:42:34 +0000 2012

Replying to @surlyF

Phew. Because real SFish trolls would require actual labor.

Wed May 09 00:43:37 +0000 2012

Replying to @mariabustillos

Great stuff, Maria!

Wed May 09 11:26:52 +0000 2012

After @dancohen raved about his, I bought myself an AeroPress, which completely rocks. Makes the best coffee ever. However, +

Wed May 09 15:42:16 +0000 2012

as a result, I have now seriously over caffeinated myself two days in a row. Must. Learn. Moderation. -

Wed May 09 15:42:18 +0000 2012

RT @nowviskie: A new phase for #Alt-Academy! Four new CFPs & features on #altac careers. Please contribute! http://is.gd/7IrAA5

Wed May 09 16:14:05 +0000 2012

I'm a bit late. It's been a long day. But I'm awfully proud of Pres Obama for standing up in favor of full equality for same-sex couples. +

Thu May 10 00:11:12 +0000 2012

But I also want to say, very loudly, gods bless Joe Biden. Keep talking out there. -

Thu May 10 00:11:20 +0000 2012

Replying to @shannonmattern and @samplereality

I went through a period like that with "obtain" as an intransitive verb. Everywhere, for just a little while.

Thu May 10 00:16:41 +0000 2012

Replying to @wynkenhimself and @sleonchnm

Like most things with Joe, I didn't think it was so much a gaffe as his inability not to say what he's thinking. +

Thu May 10 00:17:52 +0000 2012

Replying to @wynkenhimself and @sleonchnm

So less WH water-testing than Joe pushing the admin forward, if only out of unstoppable id.

Thu May 10 00:18:45 +0000 2012

Replying to @LibSkrat

Have been off the twitters for a bit but am thrilled to tune in and find you reading this. Go go go!

Sat May 12 01:21:50 +0000 2012

Replying to @BendProf

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my Nana years ago, and still miss her terribly.

Sat May 12 22:52:53 +0000 2012

Amazing day. Best fish tacos I've had outside SoCal, fun at the flea market, & a 2 hr yoga tune-up with deep tissue work using rubber balls.

Sat May 12 23:47:50 +0000 2012

And now sunset on the terrace, thinking about dinner and reading. Not a bad day at all.

Sat May 12 23:48:39 +0000 2012

Replying to @captain_primate

Heh. It's funny, because it's true.

Sat May 12 23:57:37 +0000 2012

Replying to @rgfeal

Fort Greene. Gorgeous out there today.

Sat May 12 23:59:01 +0000 2012

Replying to @BendProf

I don't know if she insisted, but she was always Nana. 4-foot-8 Italian force of nature.

Sun May 13 00:45:17 +0000 2012

RT @MLAconvention: Thrilled to announce a Creative Conversation for #mla13 with @michaelerard and @DrGrammar! Hyperpluralingualism, lang ...

Mon May 14 12:31:06 +0000 2012

Replying to @nancybaym

WOO-HOO!!!! Congratulations - I so look forward to having you just up the Northeast Corridor!

Mon May 14 19:28:19 +0000 2012

If the blowing of one's own horn annoys you, please ignore the following tweet.

Tue May 15 00:50:00 +0000 2012


Tue May 15 00:50:51 +0000 2012

That is all. </hornselftweeting>

Tue May 15 00:51:27 +0000 2012

Replying to @jcmeloni

Oh, but this was some serious rocking. Epic, hair-band level rocking.

Tue May 15 01:12:19 +0000 2012

Replying to @publichistorian

Best not to wear out my self-promoting welcome, I guess.

Tue May 15 01:13:12 +0000 2012

Replying to @LibSkrat

Heh. :)

Tue May 15 01:13:36 +0000 2012

Replying to @jasonpriem

I did hear about @altmetrics12 and wish I could be there! Unfortunately, I'm on my way to LA that day to give a talk.

Tue May 15 01:34:19 +0000 2012

Replying to @FrueheNeuzeit

Love. It.

Tue May 15 02:06:38 +0000 2012

RT @FrueheNeuzeit: @kfitz new tag: #hstw = #hornselftweetingwednesday :D

Tue May 15 02:07:25 +0000 2012

Replying to @jwolman

A friend of mine years ago wrote what I believe to be the finest piece of Bo Jackson literature out there. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1990/03/19/1990_03_19_038_TNY_CARDS_000353925

Tue May 15 13:45:30 +0000 2012

Replying to @jwolman

I know, right? Page images. Super annoying.

Tue May 15 13:52:52 +0000 2012

Replying to @briancroxall

Hey, fabulous! Congratulations to you and Emory!

Tue May 15 17:30:23 +0000 2012

Replying to @briancroxall

Woo-hoo! I was hoping.

Tue May 15 17:33:29 +0000 2012

RT @samplereality: "Bloggers Assemble!" is motto for my stellar #MLA13 roundtable. We're the Avengers of the scholarly communication world.

Tue May 15 17:46:12 +0000 2012

Replying to @jmittell and @samplereality

Mwahaha. My dastardly plan comes to… um, I mean, you're going to love it! \(We'll definitely love having you there\.\)

Tue May 15 17:47:48 +0000 2012

Replying to @mkgold, @noctambulate, @moncia, @spikenlilli and @katie_rawson

Woo-hoo! Very excited about this, needless to say. #mla13

Tue May 15 17:48:37 +0000 2012

Replying to @briancroxall and @dancohen

But it does, doesn't it? There's a daily Kindle special somewhere...

Tue May 15 17:52:26 +0000 2012

Replying to @briancroxall and @dancohen

Gotcha, and completely agreed.

Tue May 15 17:54:54 +0000 2012

Replying to @GeorgeOnline, @briancroxall and @dancohen

I'm reading one of them now: Alice Kaplan's French Lessons.

Tue May 15 17:56:20 +0000 2012

Replying to @dancohen and @georgeonline

There… are ways… of dealing with that.

Tue May 15 17:56:39 +0000 2012

Replying to @dancohen

's all I'm saying. \(Alternately, there is the Bluefire app, which can handle DRM'd ADE books\.\)

Tue May 15 17:58:15 +0000 2012

Replying to @eetempleton

I'm not sure if I missed your announcement or not, but if I did, congratulations!

Tue May 15 19:27:24 +0000 2012

I love the day my super smart Twitter pals get their #mla13 acceptances. Looking forward to seeing you all in Boston!

Tue May 15 19:29:49 +0000 2012

Replying to @samplereality

Change bio now.

Tue May 15 19:55:06 +0000 2012

Replying to @brendabethman

Yes on bourbon in Boston, absolutely. That's the finest modification of one of my tweets I can imagine! :)

Tue May 15 20:16:27 +0000 2012

Today rocked a little less hard than yesterday, but only because yesterday was COMPLETELY MADE OF WIN. Any day would suffer by comparison.

Tue May 15 20:29:00 +0000 2012

Replying to @JenHoward

I hope you'll be there; I missed you in Seattle. Plus, #mla13 and LSA, one-stop shopping. Kinda irresistible, no?

Tue May 15 21:02:27 +0000 2012

Replying to @JenHoward and @jenserventi

Beignets are not so great in the winter, which NOLA does have, though they deny. And Boston is train-accessible!

Wed May 16 01:50:13 +0000 2012

Replying to @JenHoward and @jenserventi

Just saying.

Wed May 16 01:50:35 +0000 2012

Replying to @amitorit

Indeed. That much win will wear a person out.

Wed May 16 12:12:47 +0000 2012

Replying to @captain_primate

System 1: "Hack into me!" System 2: "No, no; hack into me! My data is much more sensitive."

Wed May 16 15:22:45 +0000 2012

Replying to @captain_primate

This is the best #pcardorientation I've ever not attended.

Wed May 16 15:40:21 +0000 2012

Replying to @nowviskie

Woo-hoo! Congrats - which I'll look forward to saying again next month!

Wed May 16 23:09:21 +0000 2012

Replying to @eetempleton, @rgfeal and @triproftri


Wed May 16 23:10:59 +0000 2012

This has been a week full of awesome so far. So much awesome, in fact, that I find myself thinking: how on earth is it only Wednesday? #sigh

Wed May 16 23:15:26 +0000 2012

Replying to @Ed_Raso

Thanks! There have been several quite good ones: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=26&storycode=418126 https://blogs.montclair.edu/crdirector/2011/11/29/kathleen-fitzpatricks-essential-new-book-planned-obsolescence-publishing-technology-and-the-future-of-the-academy-the-crc-december-2011-spotlight-review-by-neil-baldwin/ http://alex.halavais.net/review-planned-obsolescence among them.

Wed May 16 23:57:37 +0000 2012

Replying to @surlyF

If you don't want to go over budget, you should spend less than you have!

Thu May 17 21:27:35 +0000 2012

Replying to @surlyF

I was just about to reply again and say that I'm ready to accept my appointment as head of the Fed now.

Thu May 17 21:28:46 +0000 2012

Replying to @janaremy

That's… kinda awesome, if terrifying.

Fri May 18 16:23:14 +0000 2012

Replying to @dancohen and @msbonn

Amen to that. Looking forward to more trouble-stirring of many kinds, very soon!

Sat May 19 01:39:21 +0000 2012

Thinking about focus; new blog post: Intention. http://www.plannedobsolescence.net/blog/intention/

Sat May 19 17:54:39 +0000 2012

I couldn't possibly have made a web development mistake that basic, could I? So basic I'd be embarrassed to name it?

Why, yes. Yes I could.

Sun May 20 17:02:50 +0000 2012

Apropos of absolutely nothing: when working in a graphical interface, it's good to check whether dragging files will copy them or move them.

Sun May 20 17:12:57 +0000 2012

Replying to @ridolfoj

*hangs head in shame*

Sun May 20 17:15:55 +0000 2012

Replying to @ridolfoj

I really do need to get more command-line ftp-fluent, though. I've been too reliant on GUI clients for too long.

Sun May 20 17:18:02 +0000 2012

Gorgeous weekend wrapping up with vaguely threatening skies to the south. Hard to complain after last two days, tho.

Sun May 20 23:38:06 +0000 2012

Replying to @cgbrooke

It does! I had to reinstall WP today; that flurry hopefully means my feed is no longer borked.

Sun May 20 23:41:30 +0000 2012

Replying to @jwolman and @reader2k

I should say so!

Mon May 21 01:39:26 +0000 2012

RT @ccess: Launch of major campaign #openaccess to government funded research: Sign the WhiteHouse petition http://wh.gov/6TH #OAMonday

Mon May 21 13:18:58 +0000 2012

@LibSkrat: OKAY, LIBRARIANS, time to put our signatures where our mouths are re OA: http://tinyurl.com/ccpy9n4 Let's DO THIS THING.

Mon May 21 13:55:41 +0000 2012

That last was meant to be an RT. Take two.

Mon May 21 13:56:41 +0000 2012

RT @LibSkrat: OKAY, LIBRARIANS, time to put our signatures where our mouths are re OA: http://tinyurl.com/ccpy9n4 Let's DO THIS THING.

Mon May 21 13:56:56 +0000 2012

Replying to @wynkenhimself

*sends hugs*

Mon May 21 15:47:08 +0000 2012

Replying to @wynkenhimself, @glennf and @theeconomist


Mon May 21 16:43:07 +0000 2012

Replying to @wynkenhimself

*sends another hug*

Mon May 21 16:43:34 +0000 2012

God, this is depressing as hell. If only it struck less close to home, so to speak. Governance: A Fable. http://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/reality-check/governance-fable

Mon May 21 17:15:09 +0000 2012

Blogging: Two Things. http://www.plannedobsolescence.net/blog/two-things/

Mon May 21 19:23:57 +0000 2012

Replying to @jbj

I am now imagining a tiny little homunculus in a text box, saying "#@*#@&!"

Tue May 22 15:16:01 +0000 2012

Replying to @samplereality and @jbj


Tue May 22 15:19:27 +0000 2012

Finally figured out that what borked my RSS feed was WP Super Cache. No amount of telling it not to cache feeds or cache-clearing worked.

Tue May 22 15:31:14 +0000 2012

Replying to @amandafrench

Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Amanda. Sending hugs your way.

Tue May 22 15:50:31 +0000 2012

Replying to @martin_eve

This strikes me as a major problem. I still rely on RSS, all claims of its death to the contrary...

Tue May 22 15:57:42 +0000 2012

RT @MichaelBerube1: Pls spread the word re MLA Academic Workforce Data Center. Amazingly comprehensive & all uploaded info is confid ...

Tue May 22 18:27:42 +0000 2012

Replying to @striphas and @patrick_mj

Have you poked at the functionality of redlemona.de? It allows comments to be anchored to any highlighted text, and +

Tue May 22 20:23:56 +0000 2012

Replying to @striphas and @patrick_mj

it doesn't break with revisions, and it's running in Drupal! Have had some preliminary conv with @r_nash about the +

Tue May 22 20:25:30 +0000 2012

Replying to @striphas and @patrick_mj

possibility they'll release it...

Tue May 22 20:25:41 +0000 2012

Replying to @jcmeloni and @interfolio

Woo-hoo! Congrats on the announcement; looking forward to more...

Wed May 23 18:42:46 +0000 2012

RT @MLAnews: MLA Job Information List will provide dossier and search-management tools via partnership with Interfolio: http://www.mla.org/jil_interfolio

Wed May 23 18:50:00 +0000 2012

Replying to @wynkenhimself

I'm so sorry for your loss, Sarah. Big hugs and all best thoughts to you and your family.

Fri May 25 13:35:51 +0000 2012

New blog post: Rearranging the Deck Chairs. http://www.plannedobsolescence.net/blog/rearranging-the-deck-chairs/

Sun May 27 21:05:44 +0000 2012

Replying to @dancohen

Thanks. Your redesign was \(obviously?\) part of what convinced me the time had come. May inspiration ensue!

Sun May 27 23:27:38 +0000 2012

Replying to @rgfeal


Sun May 27 23:57:33 +0000 2012

A few thoughts on - what else? - blogging and obsolescence. http://www.plannedobsolescence.net/blog/i-has-a-sad/

Mon May 28 12:12:50 +0000 2012

Replying to @hsmiddleton

Parts of it can be dug up via the Wayback Machine, but I fear not all of it. We def need more systematic personal archiving!

Mon May 28 13:01:59 +0000 2012

Replying to @samplereality and @dancohen

That's rocking it old skool, man.

Mon May 28 16:08:41 +0000 2012

Today in spam comments: 'Seriously hardly ever do I encounter a blog that is both educative and entertaining, and let me let you know, +

Mon May 28 16:44:06 +0000 2012

you have hit the nail around the head.' Hmmm.

Mon May 28 16:44:36 +0000 2012

Replying to @PaperIsDue

Seriously! And nice to know that I have beaten that nail around the head and neck.

Mon May 28 16:45:52 +0000 2012

Replying to @LibSkrat

I will let you let me know that!

Mon May 28 16:48:16 +0000 2012

Replying to @rgfeal

I think the comment was either on yesterday's post or today's; I'm not sure which \(and it's of course now gone\).

Mon May 28 16:59:52 +0000 2012

Replying to @alicedaer

Car service will be easiest, definitely. A bit pricier than a shuttle, but worth it when you have a lot of moving pieces.

Mon May 28 19:09:51 +0000 2012

Replying to @alicedaer

I tend to use http://carmellimo.com; they've been quite reliable.

Mon May 28 21:01:16 +0000 2012

Replying to @aperren

Wow, that's almost better than the upfronts posters papering midtown east.

Tue May 29 04:07:14 +0000 2012

@shanakimball Hey, I totally missed your birthday! Here, we can make it last a little longer: happy happy!

Tue May 29 13:56:15 +0000 2012

Replying to @joguldi

That one mama goose is looking your way. I'd keep an eye out; they can be super protective!

Tue May 29 13:58:30 +0000 2012

New blog post, in which I consider cultivating a bit of shamelessness: http://www.plannedobsolescence.net/blog/shamelessness/

Tue May 29 13:59:43 +0000 2012

Replying to @RudyHuxtable

Hey, thanks for the link! Are you \(back\) in NYC?

Tue May 29 14:57:42 +0000 2012

Replying to @coblezc

Thanks! It's absolutely true: not quite "the perfect is the enemy of the good" but more "the good is the enemy of the productive."

Tue May 29 14:58:54 +0000 2012

Replying to @samplereality

Yes! I'm using "Twitter Mentions as Comments," which seems to be functioning well. Crossing my fingers that it holds up.

Tue May 29 15:01:37 +0000 2012

Replying to @RudyHuxtable

Hey awesome! We should definitely get together… sometime after July 21. I'm crazed w/prep for a long trip, but when I return?

Tue May 29 15:03:49 +0000 2012

Replying to @samplereality

Thanks. @dancohen inspired the direction I took.

Tue May 29 15:04:41 +0000 2012

Replying to @RudyHuxtable

We can totally schedule now. When looks good to you? I'm pretty flexible the first couple of weeks I'm back.

Tue May 29 15:05:59 +0000 2012

Replying to @samplereality, @wynkenhimself and @dancohen

That's one of the things that drew me to Ari - a nice, easily tweakable responsive framework.

Tue May 29 15:08:38 +0000 2012

Replying to @wynkenhimself and @samplereality

The fussiness of the Oulipo fonts has bothered me, too. Something about those italics.

Tue May 29 15:09:46 +0000 2012

Replying to @RudyHuxtable

I am allllll the way downtown, alas. August 3 would be perfect; I work from home then. Lunch?

Tue May 29 15:10:30 +0000 2012

Replying to @dancohen

That's a huge part of what drew me to this one; it handles the move from big screen through tablet to phone very nicely.

Tue May 29 15:12:00 +0000 2012

Replying to @RudyHuxtable

Fantastic. Let's check in that week & pick a time & place based on what we're up to & in the mood for. I'll look forward to it

Tue May 29 15:13:33 +0000 2012

Replying to @dancohen

I hope so!

Tue May 29 15:14:00 +0000 2012

Replying to @samplereality and @briancroxall

Redesigning one's blog is not only a huge time sinkhole but also a great way to keep from actual blogging.

Tue May 29 15:42:12 +0000 2012

RT @dsmillman: Cool new programmer position at NYU Digital Library http://bit.ly/JKX5GH

Tue May 29 17:33:53 +0000 2012

Replying to @jbj

Woo hoo! Well-deserved.

Tue May 29 18:51:05 +0000 2012

RT @pmphlt: 20,000 down. 5,000 to go. - http://bit.ly/MAbTHG #openaccess #OAMonday

Wed May 30 11:24:53 +0000 2012

Just writing this seems to have induced pre-emptive jet lag: Itinerary http://www.plannedobsolescence.net/blog/itinerary/

Wed May 30 19:37:36 +0000 2012

Replying to @bukuwawa

I will be on vacation in Prague! I'd say "alas," because I'll be sorry to miss you, but Prague!

Wed May 30 19:50:01 +0000 2012

Replying to @carenmilloy

Excellent! I'll look forward to talking with you there.

Wed May 30 20:06:49 +0000 2012