2020 12 01 tweets

RT @humcommons: We know it's #TacoTuesday, but it's also #GivingTuesday! We're working to sustain the Commons, but we need your help. Can y…

Tue Dec 01 11:31:09 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: We realize that not everyone is in a position to donate right now. There are other ways to contribute to the network on thi…

Tue Dec 01 11:31:25 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: We have an offer of generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, dependent on a fundraising match. Can…

Tue Dec 01 13:18:34 +0000 2020

This week on Leading Generously: Values. Your thoughts, stories, experiences, and concerns are most welcome. https://kfitz.info/lg6-values/

Tue Dec 01 14:58:35 +0000 2020

RT @FranoisLachanc2: Time to ponder -- "potential to transform our assessment practices from sterile moments of bean-counting that pull us…

Tue Dec 01 16:39:10 +0000 2020

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who has given so generously in support of Humanities Commons today! Your donations will help us keep the network free and open for all. https://givingto.msu.edu/crowdpower/humanities-commons @humcommons

Tue Dec 01 18:56:00 +0000 2020

More on Leading Generously today. Thanks for your readings and thoughts! https://twitter.com/kfitz/status/1333787584066043908

Tue Dec 01 23:54:42 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: We're thankful for our 25,000+ members who collaborate and share with the community. Keeping our functionality free to ever…

Wed Dec 02 02:06:50 +0000 2020

RT @lesliekwchan: Best $5 you will ever spent! Support open infrastructure! https://twitter.com/humcommons/status/1333938937342078979

Thu Dec 03 03:14:46 +0000 2020

Huge congratulations, @hjoseph, and SO well-deserved! https://twitter.com/NISOInfo/status/1334171700120924166

Thu Dec 03 13:23:15 +0000 2020

RT @achdotorg: ✍️ ACH has begun the membership renewal process for 2021. If you’re a member, you should have received an email from us yest…

Thu Dec 03 16:09:35 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: Thank you! Our fundraiser is 50% funded. Our sustainability model relies primarily on buy-in from participating organizatio…

Fri Dec 04 22:29:42 +0000 2020

It’s a sign of how busy this fall has been that I’ve failed to mention this, but Generous Thinking is coming out in paperback next month! https://jhupbooks.press.jhu.edu/title/generous-thinking

Sat Dec 05 01:05:29 +0000 2020

Replying to @FranoisLachanc2

Aw, thanks! And what a great thought. If the sandwich is worth eating, it’s definitely because of everyone who helped: commenters, collaborators, and an amazing team at @JHUPress!

Sat Dec 05 01:38:52 +0000 2020

Replying to @paigecmorgan

Oh, Paige, I am so sorry. God, some people are the worst.

Sat Dec 05 02:11:47 +0000 2020

Replying to @paigecmorgan

Made this for Thanksgiving, and loved it. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1012845-risotto-with-winter-squash-and-collard-greens?action=click&module=RecipeBox&pgType=recipebox-page&region=all&rank=0

Sat Dec 05 20:09:16 +0000 2020

Replying to @paigecmorgan

Beware: the prep time is a lie. \(Unless a peeled and cubed winter squash is just one of those things you always have on hand\.\)

Sat Dec 05 20:12:00 +0000 2020

This week in Leading Generously: Trust. Your thoughts are most earnestly invited! https://kfitz.info/lg7-trust/

Tue Dec 08 15:12:14 +0000 2020

Replying to @wynkenhimself, @melkatrey and @doingitwrong

I am completely loving it — it really is the best PDF reader I’ve had.

Tue Dec 08 15:33:46 +0000 2020

Replying to @samplereality

I also find myself uncertain which Google account I am signed in with. If only there were a way to tell.

Tue Dec 08 18:49:32 +0000 2020

Looks more like relief than triumph from here. https://twitter.com/Jess_asli/status/1335717251366985728

Tue Dec 08 19:03:15 +0000 2020

Replying to @NEHchair

Thanks for working GT in! I know exactly what you mean about that panel. I hope the talk goes well!

Tue Dec 08 22:39:51 +0000 2020

Replying to @terrainsvagues, @MellonFdn and @TriangleSCI

Huge congratulations on this, Nicky, to you and the whole @HuMetricsHSS team!

Wed Dec 09 22:18:27 +0000 2020

RT @EthanWatrall: super duper congrats to @cplong, @jasonrhody, and colleagues on the publication of their article "The transformative powe…

Wed Dec 09 22:18:59 +0000 2020

RT @jasonrhody: "The current mechanisms by which scholars and their work are evaluated across higher education are unsustainable and increa…

Wed Dec 09 22:19:04 +0000 2020

Just feeling like today is a reasonable day for me to emerge from retirement and note that this? This is some SERIOUS bullshit.

Fri Dec 11 22:55:58 +0000 2020

Replying to @miriamkp

This is my long term goal. Except with an even closer tie between the doing of the thing and the reporting on the doing of the thing. Got a ways to go, as they say, but it’s in view.

Fri Dec 11 23:09:32 +0000 2020

Replying to @annehelen

I would also mention the tarantula that my sister in the outskirts of Austin found in her garage. I told her to burn the house down and not look back.

Fri Dec 11 23:12:46 +0000 2020

Replying to @annehelen

It’s not okay to be in a place with swamp bugs and desert bugs. Like hurricanes and earthquakes. One or the other. \(Or preferably none of the above\.\)

Fri Dec 11 23:14:00 +0000 2020

Replying to @kfitz

Ahhhh okay. I was pretty far back in my timeline, but I’m caught up now.

Sat Dec 12 00:56:01 +0000 2020

Replying to @plragde


Sat Dec 12 00:58:28 +0000 2020

I’m delighted that my work is included in this amazing project! @HuMetricsHSS https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-020-00647-z https://twitter.com/cplong/status/1337797933987672065

Sat Dec 12 18:52:04 +0000 2020

Replying to @hels

DMing my address.

Sat Dec 12 20:01:23 +0000 2020

RT @YAppelbaum: 1. It speaks volumes about shifts in social status that a title borrowed by physicians to clothe a then-somewhat-suspect pr…

Sun Dec 13 14:23:01 +0000 2020

RT @YAppelbaum: 2. And if you can’t understand why an Ed.D. teaching in higher ed might employ the title “Dr.,” you’ve likely never read th…

Sun Dec 13 14:23:04 +0000 2020

RT @CALMSU: Dean @cplong and the @HuMetricsHSS team recently published an article on their value-enacted research that looks to “reshape th…

Tue Dec 15 13:53:04 +0000 2020

This week in Leading Generously: developing processes of assessment that support growth development rather than focusing on discipline. https://kfitz.info/lg8-support/

Tue Dec 15 15:03:28 +0000 2020

Replying to @triproftri

Good question, K! Scale is everything. We can start by enacting formative review processes at the work-group level \(office/program/department\), conducting deep conversations and mentoring toward the future. +

Tue Dec 15 18:54:05 +0000 2020

Replying to @triproftri

The trick is that those processes need to be trusted at the next level up. So if the dean is similarly conducting formative review processes with the chairs and administrators who report to them, they’ll have key info to understand the results of the unit reviews. +

Tue Dec 15 18:55:59 +0000 2020

Replying to @triproftri

Similarly, faculty need to learn how to conduct such formative reviews of one another, at the unit level, at the college level, and at the university level. We all need to do a much better job of thinking about what those we’re reviewing need in order to succeed.

Tue Dec 15 18:57:46 +0000 2020

Ooh, my favorite Christmas present so far: Generous Thinking in paperback!

Wed Dec 16 21:58:24 +0000 2020

Replying to @kfitz

Huge thanks to my friends at @JHUPress — it’s just what I wanted, and exactly my size!

Wed Dec 16 21:59:20 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: It's Thursday! We're almost through the week! We want to know what you're working on. What's exciting in your world? What g…

Thu Dec 17 23:53:49 +0000 2020

A thread on the joys and difficulties of cultivating open communities. ❤️ to all doing this work. https://twitter.com/kaythaney/status/1339908212926148609

Fri Dec 18 12:44:36 +0000 2020

RT @kmapesy: Today's final project presentation day in Intro #DigitalHumanities and I'm so proud of our students this semester. @tophkat an…

Fri Dec 18 22:15:47 +0000 2020

RT @kmapesy: @tophkat Which is impressive since this semester has been challenging for everyone as we know. In addition to pandemic and ele…

Fri Dec 18 22:15:52 +0000 2020

RT @kmapesy: In the end, I think we did. The students leave the course w/portfolio-worthy projects they had ownership over. They've been ex…

Fri Dec 18 22:17:15 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: We'd love to hear about your favorite groups on the Commons. Where do you hang out? https://hcommons.org/groups/ https://t.co/hD…

Mon Dec 21 22:18:05 +0000 2020

This week in Leading Generously I'm focused on the role of narrative in the ways we assess our work and how we might focus in on what stories can tell us. https://kfitz.info/lg9-stories/

Tue Dec 22 15:04:04 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: As we approach the end of the year we're still trying to reach 100% on our crowdfunding campaign. If you're looking to make…

Wed Dec 23 18:33:17 +0000 2020

I have officially hit the age where people send me food for Christmas.

Fri Dec 25 20:43:45 +0000 2020

Replying to @kfitz

Or maybe that’s just my family. I’m not mad about it.

Fri Dec 25 20:44:41 +0000 2020

Replying to @CapitolClio

It is. I’m super excited about it!

Sat Dec 26 01:47:16 +0000 2020

Replying to @zoepster

Thank you so much for this, Zoe! I really appreciate knowing that the book is having an impact out there. Happy holidays!

Sat Dec 26 13:39:26 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: We've raised about half of our goal to $5000, could you help us get to 100%? US contributions are tax deductible. We're exc…

Mon Dec 28 18:13:09 +0000 2020

I was nowhere hear Williamsburg, I swear it. https://twitter.com/kfitz/status/1330626424148025351 https://twitter.com/plitter/status/1343633851873157127

Tue Dec 29 00:26:33 +0000 2020

This week in Leading Generously, I'm pondering what real solidarity might look like on campus. https://kfitz.info/lg10-solidarity/

Tue Dec 29 14:52:11 +0000 2020

RT @actualham: “One faculty, one union.” New from ⁦@kfitz⁩ https://kfitz.info/lg10-solidarity/

Tue Dec 29 16:07:17 +0000 2020

Replying to @BerondaM

That seems exactly the right question, Beronda, and that truth and reconciliation process is what we most need. I’m imagining a Lessons from Plants version: the soil we grow in can’t be improved until the pollution that’s killing us is uncovered and removed.

Tue Dec 29 16:11:06 +0000 2020

Replying to @nancybaym and @TheCBaym

It just hit me last week that the problems I’ve been having with my lower back are not being caused by my too-soft mattress, but by my too-tight hip flexors. Started paying attention to them and began improving almost immediately.

Wed Dec 30 17:41:22 +0000 2020

Replying to @nancybaym and @TheCBaym

Bodies are weird.

Wed Dec 30 18:14:47 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: As the year ends we're hoping to hit our $5000 crowdfunding goal. If you're looking for ways to contribute Humanities Commo…

Wed Dec 30 18:23:12 +0000 2020

A careful accounting of where we are — and are not — at the end of 2020. May we join Beronda in developing the “collective commitment” to real solidarity, and real change, in 2021. https://twitter.com/BerondaM/status/1344354989234393088

Wed Dec 30 19:01:52 +0000 2020

It’s always dangerous for me when @electricarchaeo writes about his notetaking strategies. I’m now checking out http://obsidian.md too, and so far love it. A couple of features that are key for me: https://twitter.com/electricarchaeo/status/1344400453321117696

Thu Dec 31 12:32:22 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

1. The combination of internal note navigation and external flat file storage. So many note-taking apps that have fab internal nav structures keep the notes themselves hidden in some \(often proprietary\) library.

Thu Dec 31 12:33:49 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

2. Folding! This is far less important for notetaking per se than it is for writing: being able to collapse a long doc and focus in only on one section is crucial to my thought processes.

Thu Dec 31 12:34:57 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

Now to migrate a bajillion notes.

Thu Dec 31 12:35:33 +0000 2020

The other thing that @electricarchaeo gets at in this post, though, is the importance of having a solid notetaking strategy, which is something I’ve only ever partially developed. https://twitter.com/electricarchaeo/status/1344400453321117696

Thu Dec 31 12:56:02 +0000 2020

Replying to @kfitz

Many years ago, I settled on a means of taking notes on the texts I read that more or less involved transcribing key passages into markdown files, one file per text.

Thu Dec 31 12:57:55 +0000 2020

Replying to @kfitz

This method produces a series of problems: first, the notes often don’t take me beyond what the original text said to my own thinking. And second, my reading process makes a LOT of passages “key,” but it’s not always clear to what.

Thu Dec 31 12:59:22 +0000 2020

Replying to @kfitz

So what I have is hundreds of markdown files, each of which sort of abridges something I read, but none of which really let me put that reading to use.

Thu Dec 31 13:00:20 +0000 2020

Replying to @mannahattamamma

It’s so much to manage…

Thu Dec 31 13:26:32 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

Thanks for the warning. I’m starting by exporting existing notes into folders/markdown files, and then tinkering from there.

Thu Dec 31 13:47:50 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

What I really need is a tool that will take one long markdown file with a lot of notes in it and burst it into many individual notes. Preferably with the smarts to pick out the key concept in each and name it accordingly.

Thu Dec 31 13:55:55 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo


Thu Dec 31 13:57:32 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

This is pretty amazing. Huge thanks, again! \(I’ll keep you posted if I make any strategy breakthroughs\.\)

Thu Dec 31 14:04:10 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

Sigh. Right there with you. ✊🏻

Thu Dec 31 14:18:44 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: As we're winding down this year and thinking about the next we're grateful for our members. Thank you for sharing your time…

Thu Dec 31 17:04:44 +0000 2020

RT @humcommons: Last call for a 2020 tax-deductible donation. Help us reach 100% on our crowdfunding goal: https://givingto.msu.edu/crowdpower/humanities-commons https://…

Thu Dec 31 17:43:33 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

That Zotero plugin is the one called Citations, right? I’ve gotten it installed and have it connected to my Zotero library output, but can’t get it to create new notes or insert citekeys. 🤔

Thu Dec 31 19:20:44 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

The toggle is on and the .json is in the vault. ctrl-shift-O brings up the list of sources and will let me create a new note with one. ctrl-shift-I does nothing. And I can’t figure out how to use the variables described in the preferences. I’ll get there!

Thu Dec 31 20:55:12 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

Ah, got it…

Thu Dec 31 21:03:33 +0000 2020

Replying to @electricarchaeo

Aha! I was apparently looking at old documentation. The current README on GitHub says ctrl+shift+E, not I. Makes a difference!

Thu Dec 31 21:15:57 +0000 2020

Sending all my love to those of you who reached out to help get all of us through 2020. And sending enormous gratitude to the wonderful folks I work with, whose silence for the last week-plus makes clear both their own exhaustion, and their respect for everyone else’s exhaustion.

Thu Dec 31 23:18:23 +0000 2020

Replying to @CJ_Daugherty

Miss you, friend, and hoping that I collect on that promissory hug in 2021. ❤️

Thu Dec 31 23:19:29 +0000 2020

Replying to @edrabinski and @tressiemcphd

Which weight do you have?

Fri Jan 01 02:00:47 +0000 2021

Replying to @edrabinski and @tressiemcphd

Good to know! Thanks!

Fri Jan 01 03:13:37 +0000 2021